Stage WP Plugin Manager

If you develop in a local machine, at some point you'll have some active plugins there that you don't need in the servers that you're deploying to. Sure, you can deactivate them in your local machine before deploying, or after deploying in the remote ones, but you're gonna need them again to be active if you want to perform local work in the future, specially when you update your local database from a remote one. On such kind of scenarios, the whole process of manually activating and deactivating plugins for each stage can be really frustrating, sometimes even taking a lot of your time.

Stage WP Plugin Manager is meant to solve that problem in an quick and elegant way, by doing an automatic "fake" activation of the plugins you select for each stage: every plugin you attach to a stage will be immediatly treated as an active plugin on that stage, no matter what its previous status was, or its current status on the other stages. Since the list of active plugins is just filtered instead of rewritten, you can restore the previous status of a plugin by detaching it, and go back to your original setup by deactivating Stage WP Plugin Manager.

Please read the following instructions very carefully.

Environmental Plugin Manager

VERY IMPORTANT: This plugin is deprecated and will not be mantained anymore. Please consider using Stage WP Plugin Manager instead. If you develop locally, at some point you'll have some plugins active in your local environment that you don't need anymore when you deploy your code and database to s.........

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DX localhost

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Environment Indicator

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WordPress Plugin Framework Reloaded

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Nano Plugin Manager

Plugin Home Page This plugin is two things: A fun educational tool Even if you have no idea about WordPress coding, you can still write a tiny nano plugin. As you get more and more confident in your coding skills you can write more nano plugins and then write full size plugins entirely without r.........

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Gitium enables continuous deployment for WordPress, integrating with tools such as Github, Bitbucket or Travis-CI. Theme or plugin updates, installs and removals are all automatically versioned. Ninja code edits from the WordPress editor are also tracked by the version control system. Gitium is des.........

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Lock Your Updates Plugins/Themes Manager

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Donation Link Manager

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WP Staging - DB & file duplicator & migration

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Usersnap is the #1 screenshot- and bug tracking tool for WordPress. Get browser screenshots and visual bug reports with additional browser information directly delivered to your dashboard. Annotate and send browser screenshots and bug reports to Usersnap or your existing bug tracking and project ma.........

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