Author: leogermani Related WordPress Plugins


postTabs allows you to easily split your post/page content into Tabs that will be shown to your visitors. The colors of the tab can be easily changed to match you theme Tested on Firefox, IE6, iE7, Opera, Safari and Konqueror. The tabs will look good on almost every theme. If you find a theme whe.........

post highlights

Add a nice looking animated highlights box to you theme, and lets you highlight your posts Features: Beautiful Jquery Box with fade between each picture Localization ready Easy to build your own theme Permission manager lets you choose who can highlight posts in your site Refer to the plugin we.........

WP Users Exporter

Simple plugin that allows you to export the users of your site in a spreadsheet, csv or html format with all metadatas. We have been looking for a good users exporter plugin for some time but none of them seems to accomplish this simple task, so we created this one. This plugin does everything you .........

Sanitize Media Filenames

Sanitize the filenames when you upload new media files. Helps you to avoid problems with special characters and white spaces in filenames. removes any special characters from the filename (expect those you want to keep) remove white spaces from filenames ...

Better Front Page UI

The default way of defining a front page in WordPress is: Create a front-page.php for the site home and (optionally) a home.php for the posts home. Go to the site admin and create two dummy pages. Select these dummy pages in the reading settings for the front page and the posts home. We think th.........

WP Edit in Place

This plugin is for theme developers who want to let their users (site administrators) to edit all the strings in the template interface. It works in a similar way that the internacionalization functions _e() and __(). When you want a string to be editable by the admin, you will use: _oi('Default va.........


In commercial theme development it's common to have different post listings across several positions of the theme. We usually end up creating post types and specific categories for users to put posts in these positions. This plugin creates a dedicated interface for post positioning and scheduling i.........