Sanitize Media Filenames

Sanitize the filenames when you upload new media files. Helps you to avoid problems with special characters and white spaces in filenames.

  • removes any special characters from the filename (expect those you want to keep)

  • remove white spaces from filenames

WP Image Size Limit

Many users do not compress or resize their images before uploading them into a post, and oftentimes WordPress's maximum upload limit of 2MB-10MB is still too large to prevent the insertion of photos that can signficantly slow down a website. WP Image Size Limit allows an administrator to set a cust.........

Similar: 50%

Enable Image Scaling on Upload

Have problems with large images clogging up your uploads directory and taking up more space than necessary? Now you an configure a set of dimensions that all images will be scaled down to when uploaded through WordPress. If you have a bug fix or wish to contribute, check out the GitHub repository. .........

Similar: 40%

WP Sanitize Accented Uploads

WordPress plugin which removes all accented characters like åöä from future uploads and has easy wp-cli command for removing accents from current uploads and attachment links from database. This helps tremendously with current and future migrations of your site and helps you to avoid strange filenam.........

Similar: 40%

Secure Uploads

This is a simple plugin to protect your wp-content/uploads folder from being browsed and people downloading your content (Based on the plugin “Secure Folder wp-content/uploads” made by Daniel Satria)...

Similar: 20%

Secure Folder wp-content/uploads

Indonesia: Plugin ini akan menempatkan file index.html kosong di setiap folder dibawah wp-content/uploads untuk mencegah pencurian data. English: This is plugin will put empty index.html on every folders on wp-content/uploads to prevent content theft...

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htaccess Watermark

This plugin allows to add a watermark on the images uploaded. It make use of .htaccess, so all images that are uploaded or to be upload will all have the watermark. Your source images will not be affected, and after you delete/deactivate your plugin, all watermark will disappear. This plugin also w.........

Similar: 15%

ILAB Media Tools

ILAB Media Tools are a suite of tools designed to enhance media handling in WordPress in a number of ways. NOTE: This plugin requires PHP 5.5x or higher (PHP 7.x preferred)...

Similar: 13%

Filenames to latin

WordPress Pro plugins | Filenames to latin | Donate Plugin sanitizes cyrillic (Ukrainian, Russian, Belorussian), German, French, Polish, Spanish, Hungarian, Czech, Greek, Swedish and other filenames to latin characters during upload. Plugin converts filenames to lowercase automatically....

Similar: 13%

PIKLIST | Rapid development framework

CURRENTLY IN BETAPiklist is the most powerful framework available for WordPress. Easy for beginners... built for developers. Piklist helps you build things - fast. Piklist is a rapid development framework for WordPress that will let you concentrate on the main focus of your plugin or theme, and le.........

Similar: 4%

S3Bubble Amazon S3 Video And Audio Streaming With Analytics

Streaming Types Available. Video RTMP Streaming: (with cloudfront) - View Example Video HLS Streaming: (.ts segments .m3u8) - View Example Video Preview Example: (.mp4 h.264 encode) - View Example Video Lightbox Example: (.mp4 h.264 encode) - View Example Lightbox plugin used is awesome Magnific P.........

Similar: 3%