WP Sanitize Accented Uploads

WordPress plugin which removes all accented characters like åöä from future uploads and has easy wp-cli command for removing accents from current uploads and attachment links from database. This helps tremendously with current and future migrations of your site and helps you to avoid strange filename encoding bugs.

Sanitize accents from Cyrillic, German, French, Polish, Spanish, Hungarian, Czech, Greek, Swedish. This even removes rare but possible unicode NFD characters from files by using PHP Normalizer class. These usually happen if you have mounted uploads into your vagrant box in OS-X.

This plugin is wordpress multisite compatible.

More information in github page: https://github.com/devgeniem/wp-sanitize-accented-uploads

Overwrite Uploads

By default WordPress doesn't overwrite an existing file if you upload a new one with the same name and directory. Instead, it appends a number to the end of the filename in order to make it unique, e.g., filename1.jpg. That isn't always the desired behavior, so this plugin makes it so that any file.........

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Add From Server

The heart of a CMS is the ability to upload and insert content, WordPress does a fantastic job at this, unfortunately, some web hosts have limited servers, or users simply do not have the ability to upload large files through their web browser. Add From Server is designed to help ease this pain, You.........

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Safe SVG

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WordPress Uploads

This plugin allows you to: Manage allowed file extensions for uploads (Allow/Deny) Mask files location Disable uploads at all ...

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Razuna Media Manager

This WordPress Plugin allows you to use any hosted Razuna service to host your media for your WordPress powered blog. Once installed and configured, this plugin transparently integrates with your WordPress blog. You will find a "Razuna" Tab next to your regular "Upload" and "Media Library" tab, whi.........

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Secure Folder wp-content/uploads

Indonesia: Plugin ini akan menempatkan file index.html kosong di setiap folder dibawah wp-content/uploads untuk mencegah pencurian data. English: This is plugin will put empty index.html on every folders on wp-content/uploads to prevent content theft...

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Secure Uploads

This is a simple plugin to protect your wp-content/uploads folder from being browsed and people downloading your content (Based on the plugin “Secure Folder wp-content/uploads” made by Daniel Satria)...

Similar: 20%

Allow Only Jpegs

This is a lightweight plugin which prevents users from uploading any file that is not in JPEG format. There are no options and nothing to configure. Simply activate the plugin and users will no longer be able to upload PNG, GIF, or BMP files. This plugin could be used to restrict editorial staff fro.........

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WP Document Revisions

WP Document Revisions is a document management and version control plugin. Built for time-sensitive and mission-critical projects, teams can collaboratively edit files of any format -- text documents, spreadsheets, images, sheet music... anything -- all the while, seamlessly tracking the document's .........

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Media Vault

Protected Attachment Files Media Vault cordons off a section of your WordPress uploads folder and secures it, protecting all files within by passing requests for them through a powerful, flexible and completely customizable set of permission checks. After activating the plugin, to protect attachme.........

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