Top 10 Most Popular Sanitize Wordpress Plugins | Jun 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular sanitize wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. Filenames to latin

Sanitize filenames to latin during upload....Popular Score : 83,000,000

2. Make Filename Lowercase

Sets uploaded media filename to lowercase....Popular Score : 52,700,000

3. Clean Media Library File Names

This plugin cleans uploaded file names to remove special characters and spaces....Popular Score : 49,600,000

4. Hebrew username

Add Hebrew characters to sanitize_user...Popular Score : 39,100,000

5. Sanitize Media Filenames

Sanitize the filenames when you upload new media files. Helps you to avoid problems with special characters and white spaces in filenames....Popular Score : 37,700,000

6. Remove Funky X

Replaces #×# with #x#: This plugin removes the funky X's that wordpress adds on #x# patterns in titles and posts. (# is any digit)....Popular Score : 33,400,000

7. Strings Sanitizer

Aggressively sanitizes titles for clean, SEO friendly post slugs, and media filenames during upload....Popular Score : 26,500,000

8. Space Remover

Space Remover removes any leading or trailing spaces from your post and page content. Securing a clean and consistent website layout....Popular Score : 20,400,000

9. Plugin Options Starter Kit

Starter kit to help create Plugin options pages, and learn how to put it all together. Contains all the commonly used form options....Popular Score : 17,500,000

10. Clean Filenames

Removes or replace international or special characters that can make your filenames not compliant with some servers or services....Popular Score : 16,600,000