Remove Funky X

By : ionoff

Don't you hate it when your posts get things like 1×01 and wish it was easy to make it do 1x01 without editing the wordpress code? This plugin does just that. This plugin removes the funky X's that wordpress adds on #x# patterns in titles and posts. (# is any digit).

Space Remover

Space Remover helps keeping your web page design clean and consistent by removing any leading and/ or trailing spaces from your page content. The WordPress editor is awesome, but often unintended lines (actually paragraphs) are left at the beginning and /or end of your content. This can be handy , .........

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Wired Goons Header

Allows you to not only see what's been loaded in wp_head but allows you to remove it. Default options are set to remove what's most commonly removed for you. This avoids the need to hack core wordpress files or your theme/ plugin files, it also explains what options do when enabled. It lists every.........

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Optimize Images Resizing

If you were ever annoyed about the way WordPress handles images resizing, this is a plugin for you. What this plugin does is it optimizes the image handling in such a way that images are resized only when they are actually needed. What that means is that if your plugin/theme define a lot of image s.........

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Query Strings Remover

Query Strings Remover removes query strings from your static resources like CSS and JavaScript files. It will improve your cache performance and overall score in Google PageSpeed, YSlow, Pingdom and GTmetrix. Just install and forget everything, as no configuration needed. After installing Query Str.........

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Uninstall Yoast SEO

When you deactivate Yoast SEO via the WordPress admin plugins page, it does not clean up your WordPress database. In case you like to keep your database nice and tidy, Uninstall Yoast SEO is the plugin you need! Uninstall Yoast SEO deactivates Yoast SEO, in case you haven't deactivated Yoast SEO al.........

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Easy Menu Handler (EMH)

Time is money and being able to complete your tasks faster is what matters. With Easy Menu Handler (EMH) two new buttons will be added to your WordPress Menu items which will provide you with the functionality to delete a specific menu item or menu branch directly, without the need to first open th.........

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Mass Delete Unused Tags

Deletes all unused tags, handy tool if you want to start over with a quick clean blog. Coding by: Twitter profile More plugins...

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Generator Obfuscator

This plugin can be used to change the 'generator' meta tag on your WordPress pages to confuse hackers, script-kiddies, etc. You can choose from a number of common CMS-type products to be listed instead of WordPress, or you can remove the generator meta tag entirely. In addition, the generator me.........

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Hide Admin Bar 2013

This plugin removes the standard WordPress admin bar from the front end of your WordPress site, whilst keeping it on the admin side. Simple, but very effective....

Similar: 9%

No Image Link

By default, WordPress links images to themselves. A user sees that the image is a link, clicks it and they are then taken to a page of just the image. Then they click 'back' in their browser or move on to another site. You could manually remove the link, but that is a pain. Plus, when handing sites.........

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