Author: petervanderdoes Related WordPress Plugins

AVH First Defense Against Spam

The AVH First Defense Against Spam plugin gives you the ability to block spammers before any content is served by identifying them at the Project Honey Pot, a local blacklist or the local IP cache. Visitors trying to post a comment are checked at Stop Forum Spam is not used to che.........

AVH Extended Categories Widgets

The AVH Extended Categories Widgets gives you three widgets for displaying categories. Replacement of the default category widget to allow for greater customization. A top categories widget. Shows the top X categories. This requires WordPress 2.8 or higher. A Category Group widget. Shows categorie.........

AVH Themed By Browser

The AVH Themed By Browser plugin gives you the ability to set a correlation between browser and theme. The theme of your blog can change dynamically based on the browser the visitor is using. Some idea's of uses: You have a great theme that looks fantastic, it's heavy on graphics and javascript. .........