AVH First Defense Against Spam

The AVH First Defense Against Spam plugin gives you the ability to block spammers before any content is served by identifying them at the Project Honey Pot, a local blacklist or the local IP cache. Visitors trying to post a comment are checked at stopforumspam.com. Stop Forum Spam is not used to check before content is served due to the amount of requests, which overloads their infrastructure.


The whole idea to this plugin is to keep spammer robots from posting on your blog, reducing the space taken by spam messages in the database, and preventing your blog from being a spam magnet. You can ask anything, keep it simple and obvious, e.g. Is the sky Green? NO!. Doing this will stop stupid .........

Similar: 50%

Back List

Adds Whitelist and Blacklist options for Trackbacks and Pingbacks as well as the option to auto-accept Trackbacks from your own blog. These options can be found on the Discussion Options page....

Similar: 46%

CM E-Mail Registration Blacklist

The Registration Blacklist plugin will check a user trying to register to your WordPress site against defined blacklists taken from SpamAssassin’s free domains list. The email blocking plugin stops users on blacklisted domains from registering to your WordPress site, stopping unwanted spammers, viru.........

Similar: 34%

iQ Block Country

If you want to block people from certain (obscure) countries that have no business visiting your blog and perhaps only leave spam comments or other harmful actions than this is the plugin for you. Choose which countries you want to ban from visiting your blog. Any visitors from that country get a .........

Similar: 32%

Spammer Blocker

If you are tired of blocking spammers' IP addresses manually, you can use this plugin. It blocks all visitors who posted a comment that was later marked as spam or prevents them from posting comments. For example if your Akismet catches a spam comment, its author will be muted/blocked until you dele.........

Similar: 24%


There have been many new good ideas of fighting automated Spam in WordPress. Most of these Plugins (like the antecessor of NoSpamNX: Yawasp) change the name of one (or more) of your comment field. On the one hand, this is indeed more effective, but on the other hand, this goes to the expense of comp.........

Similar: 23%

Spam Free WordPress

Spam Free WordPress works well to block spam from most blogs, but some blogs that are targeted by spammers, need a much more powerful solution like Simple Comments....

Similar: 13%

WP Spam Fighter

This plugins prevents comment spam without requiring you to moderate all comments or your users to use user-unfriendly captchas or answer stupid arithmetic questions. It works using two methods (which can be combined). It boils down to the following behavioral patterns normal comment authors (not s.........

Similar: 12%

SiteBrains Interactive Spam Blocker

Block spam using state of the art client-side form validation. SiteBrains plug-in displays themed notifications to your users as they type. Our analysis is signed using a secret key unique to your domain. The signed analysis is submitted in a hidden field along with the rest of the form fields. This.........

Similar: 9%

WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam

An exceptionally powerful and user-friendly WordPress anti-spam plugin that eliminates comment spam, trackback spam, contact form spam & registration spam....

Similar: 7%