iQ Block Country

By : Pascal

If you want to block people from certain (obscure) countries that have no business visiting your blog and perhaps only leave spam comments or other harmful actions than this is the plugin for you.

Choose which countries you want to ban from visiting your blog. Any visitors from that country get a HTTP/403 error with the standard message "Forbidden - Users from your country are not permitted to browse this site." The message is customizable an can be styled with CSS.

If you only want to block other countries from visiting your backend (administrator) website than this plugin is also something for you.

If you want to block users from both your frontend website as well as your backend website than this plugin is really something for you!

Users that are blocked will not be able to do harmful things to your blog like post comment spam.

You can block all visitors from a certain country accessing your site but you can also limit access to some pages, or some blog categories.

This plugin uses the GeoLite database from Maxmind. It has a 99.5% accuracy so that is pretty good for a free database. If you need higher accuracy you can buy a license from MaxMind directly. If you cannot or do not want to download the GeoIP database from Maxmind you can use the GeoIP API website available on

If you want to use the GeoLite database from Maxmind you will have to download the GeoIP database from MaxMind directly and upload it to your site. The WordPress license does not allow this plugin to download the MaxMind Geo database for you.


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