Author: Related WordPress Plugins

Custom Field Widget

The Custom Field Widget displays values of custom field keys, allowing post- and page-specific meta sidebar content with limitless applications. Custom Field Widget is for WordPress 2.6.x and features: Multiple widget instances possible Widget-specific optional title and text Conditional function.........

Easy Contact

Easy Contact is a simple contact form that utilizes the Sandbox design patterns to create a highly semantic, XHTML-based contact form you can insert using [easy-contact] on any page or post. Easy Contact features spam-reduction measures, GUI-based customization, carbon copying option, and more. Ema.........

Blog Summary

Blog Summary produces a semantic, hAtom-enabled list of latest blog entries with excerpts, dates, and comments links that is generated with the shortcode [blog-summary] on any post or page. Shortcode attributes are available to customize the output as well as specify number of entries to show. Blog.........

Extended Options

Extended Options manages certain meta data and content add-ins from within the WordPress dashboard. This plugin adds the capacity for meta data and content added to the footer and head areas to be kept consistent regardless of a theme change or upgrade. Extended Options is for WordPress 2.6.x and, .........