Custom Field Widget

The Custom Field Widget displays values of custom field keys, allowing post- and page-specific meta sidebar content with limitless applications.

Custom Field Widget is for WordPress 2.6.x and features:

  • Multiple widget instances possible
  • Widget-specific optional title and text
  • Conditional functionality, i.e., without a matching key, the widget is not displayed
  • Practically unlimited possible uses

Advanced Custom Field Widget

The Advanced Custom Field Widget is an extension of the Custom Field Widget by Scott Wallick, and displays values of custom field keys, allowing post- and page-specific meta sidebar content. For detailed information about this plugin and how it works, check out it's wiki page at Athena's Wiki. For.........

Similar: 93%

Linked Pages

The Linked Pages plugin allows links between posts to be created using customisable page pickers and then displayed using the built in widget. Making use of custom post types, you can now easily create collections of pages and include structure. For example, if your site is about football, you cou.........

Similar: 75%

Custom Field Cookie

This wordpress plugin checks for all custom keys in page/post for custom keys ending with _Custom_Field_Cookie and writes that key as cookie and its value as cookie value. A post or a page may have multiple custum keys ending with _Custom_Field_Cookie....

Similar: 48%

WCK - Custom Fields and Custom Post Types Creator

WordPress Creation Kit consists of three tools that can help you create and maintain custom post types, custom taxonomies and most importantly, custom fields and metaboxes for your posts, pages or CPT's. WCK Custom Fields Creator offers an UI for setting up custom meta boxes with custom fields for .........

Similar: 18%

Post Meta

Plugin Homepage | Documentation | Video Tutorial | Screenshots Post Meta is a wordpress custom post field, post type and taxonomy management Plugin. It has smart and modern (ajax and jquery based) interface to create post meta option or custom meta field as group or field. It also support smart sho.........

Similar: 17%

Carbon Fields

Developer-oriented library for WordPress custom fields for all types of WordPress content. Carbon fields is a plugin that can be used as a library for easy creation of custom fields in the WordPress administration panel. Custom fields can be created for post types, taxonomy terms, users, comments,.........

Similar: 14%

Calculated Fields Form

Calculated Fields Form is for visually: ♦ Creating forms with automatically calculated fields ♦ Finance calculators ♦ Quote calculators ♦ Booking cost calculators ♦ Date calculators ♦ Health / fitness calculators ♦ Form builder for adding input fields on the form ♦ Add one or more calculated fields.........

Similar: 10%

Social Share 2.0 - Social Bookmarks

This plugin adds a small widget within each blog post to share blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Digg, Surfpeople, and well over 100 more social bookmarking and sharing sites ....

Similar: 4%

As woocomerce with owl carousel

As woocommerce with owl carousel is a jquery plugin for WordPress site. This plugin will create a nice carousel for your site. After installing and Activating the plugin, go to WordPress Admin Dahsbord and then go to Appearance > As option Here you can create Shortcode and publish a carousel .........

Similar: 3%

WPVKP Custom Login Page

This easy to use plugin gives you the power to convert the boring wordpress login page with much more attractive and personalized login page. This plugin helps to improve your brand authority and also helps to improve user experince. Now can customize the logo, the background, the login button and v.........

Similar: 2%