Author: redwerks Related WordPress Plugins

CSS Columns

This plugin provides a [columns] shortcode that gives a section of post content multiple columns using css3's column properties. The [columns] shortcode requires a closing [/columns] shortcode and accepts the arguments count="#" to specify the number of columns and gap="1em" to specify the gap size.........

Post Backgrounds

This plugin allows posts and pages to have individual custom backgrounds. A full-body background that shows up on the post page itself can be specified. As well as background that just covers the content area and shows up on all places the post is visible....

AWS Automatic SES

AWS Automatic SES configures WordPress run on an EC2 instance to use SES for email delivery. This plugin is not for generic use of SES. If you want to use SES outside of EC2 or have more control over the settings, then use another SES email plugin. Region is automatically picked based on the regi.........