AWS Automatic SES

AWS Automatic SES configures WordPress run on an EC2 instance to use SES for email delivery.

This plugin is not for generic use of SES. If you want to use SES outside of EC2 or have more control over the settings, then use another SES email plugin.

  • Region is automatically picked based on the region the EC2 instance is run in.
  • The EC2 instance's Role is used and expected to have the necessary permissions for sending raw emails.
  • Only sender addresses verified for use with SES are used.

AWS permissions:

  • ses:SendRawEmail (required) – Required for basic email sending functionality.
  • ses:GetIdentityVerificationAttributes – If granted, will be used to warn if the default sender is not verified in SES. Required if you want AWS Automatic SES to permit the use of any from address that is verified in SES.
  • ses:ListIdentities (optional) – Optionally used to display a short list of identities verified in SES on the settings page.

Simple Email

Simple Email reconfigures WordPress' WP_Mail function to use Amazon's Simple Email Service Known limitations (your mileage may vary): Does not support attachments Emails will no longer come from but from the authenticated address (see installat.........

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Delayed Email

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WP-SES redirects All outgoing WordPress emails through Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) instead of local wp_mail function. This ensures high email delivrability, email trafic statistics and a powerful managed infrastructure. This plugin is functionnal and I use it on several websites. WPMU feature.........

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With WP Amazon SES SMTP plugin you can connect Amazon SES to your WordPress website for sending emails. It bypasses the normal WP mail function and sends email using Amazon SES service. Simply add your Amazon SES Hostname, Choose the Region of your SES account, Add Username and Password and start de.........

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WP Mailgun SMTP

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WP Mail Booster - WordPress Mail Plugin

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eTemplates simplifies the creation and delivery of dynamic emails. The plugin is best used in conjunction with custom coded application style websites that send out emails populated with dynamic data to users at specific points in the application logic. Some examples of usage could be: Shopping .........

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Easy SMTP Mail

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