Author: susheelhbti Related WordPress Plugins


Saksh WP SMTP can help us to integrate SMTP to your wordpress installation. Using this you can integrate a number of free smtp server like gmail , yahoo mail , rediff mail , hotmail and paid smtp like email-marketing247, sendgrid , amazon aes , mandrill, zoho mail etc to your wordpress and send emai.........

Forameal Mail Riddleer

This plugin is meant to encode email addresses used in mailto: links inserted in Web pages to prevent harvesting that is done usually by spammers that crawl the Web to collect e-mail addresses of their future victims. The class uses a combination of PHP and Javascript to encode email addresses and s.........

Forameal Splash Screen

This is a simple plugin that allows web site developer to show a splash screen and in the splash screen developer can show any thing. In back end developer need to enter the short code and the rest will be manage this You can show any thing like forms from contact-form-7 , formiddable forms , news .........

Quote of the Day by Forameal

This plugin publish a new quote on each day. You need install and enable this plugin and place widget at appropriate place it this is all you need to do . In case you want to customize it CSS you can use any plugin add the css and can give a new looks.This plugin offer Widget , php api , short code .........

Igreen Alexa Site Rank

This Plugin lets you know your ALEXA RANK. This offer several ways to integrate in your blog you can use widgets , short code or plugin API. As using this you can get ALEXA RANK in php variable so you can easily integrate and customize look of your ALEXA RANK. To Print Alexa Rank using short code.........

Interactive Mapping

The Interactive Mapping plugin creates two new menus in the admin sidebar which will allow you to: * Add a map using co-ordinates from Open Street Map * Set a zoom level * Create a marker * Add the marker to any or all maps created * Uses short codes so maps can be added to any page or post * Uses c.........

Sakshamapp ES email system for transaction email

From wordpress we need to send many transactional emails like User registration. Forget password User registeration notification and yes when we use advance plugins it send all notification by email to admin In woocommerce we need to send email to buyers customers for their orders And order stat.........