Forameal Mail Riddleer

This plugin is meant to encode email addresses used in mailto: links inserted in Web pages to prevent harvesting that is done usually by spammers that crawl the Web to collect e-mail addresses of their future victims. The class uses a combination of PHP and Javascript to encode email addresses and so make it harder, if not impossible, for spammers crawling robots to collect address to put them into their databases.This is an alternative to the common solution of encoding addresses as "email at host dot com".

It is very easy to use [Forameal] [/Forameal] is the short code you can insert it in your post it automatically do its work.

In case you want to call it in your code by API like < ? p h p echo forameal( $mail ) ? >;

Email Encoder Bundle - Protect Email Address

Encode mailto links, email addresses, phone numbers and any text to hide them from (spam)bots....

Similar: 9%


BetterAntiSpamBot encrypts your email addresses with a dynamically generated JavaScript function. We combine simplicity with obfuscation: Simplicity for you and complexity for bots....

Similar: 8%

Cloak Front End Email

Plugin is easy to use: just install it, use short code [email] and it just works. Simple and easy to use plugin for displaying your email on the front end of your website safely and securely through JavaScript cloaking. Email that is displayed is the email you have setup as your admin email in Word.........

Similar: 8%

Invoice King Pro

-- Stay up-to-date with the latest by following @kingproplugins on Twitter, KingProPlugins on Facebook or King Pro Plugins on Google+ -- Invoice King Pro makes creating and sending your invoices simple. The invoice creation interface gives you full control over every word on your invoice. Choose .........

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Fast Secure Contact Form Newsletter

The Fast Secure Contact Form plugin now has newsletter support The Fast Secure Contact form has 5 million downloads, and now -- with this add-on plugin -- it has easy integration with Constant Contact, the world's leading email marketing platform!...

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Este Plugin le permite agregar un formulario de suscripcion de Autoresponder1 a su Pagina o Blog WordPress, sin copiar ni pegar nada. Todo lo que necesita es una cuenta en Conozca Mas de Autoresponder1 Autoresponder1 es un servicio de Email Marketing que ayuda a los usuarios a m.........

Similar: 8%

Gravity Forms Mad Mimi Add-on

This plugin requires the amazing Gravity Forms plugin and a Mad Mimi account. ...

Similar: 8%

Mail On Update

Since WordPress Version 2.5, WordPress automaticly checks if a new update for an installed plugin is available. However, you still have to check your wp-admin to see the notification. This plugin informs you via e-Mail when a new update is available. It uses the wordpress build-in update function to.........

Similar: 8%

wp_mail to XMPP

This plugin sends XMPP notifications to the users who are registered and set their own Jabber ID. Emails to them are able to be suppressed. This plugin provides a function to be added 'wp_mail' hook in wp_mail() located in wp-includes/pluggable.php. This plugin requires XMPP Enabled plugin....

Similar: 8%

WebEmailProtector | email address spam protection

Welcome to the WebEmailProtector plugin for WordPress. This is the latest version, tested with WordPress version 4.3.1, WP's TwentyFifteen Theme and SocialIcons menus. With 100% satisfaction amongst its users so far we hope you like it too - but please review and leave your comments! Using WebEmail.........

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