Author: texttheater Related WordPress Plugins

Ultimate Noindex Nofollow Tool II

Improves your blog's search engine optimization by "noindexing" pages you choose. Add the noindex robots meta tag to archives, categories, search pages, tags, author pages, login, admin pages or any other page you choose. Add the rel="nofollow" attribute to individual pages listed by the wp_list_p.........

German Slugs

While creating a post or page, WordPress automatically suggests a permalink. If your permalink structure contains the %postname% tag, then the title of your post or page will be used, simplified by conversion to lowercase, replacing spaces with hyphens, removing certain punctuation characters and re.........


Lexicographer creates an alphabetical index of your blog, using keywords you choose. The index can be included in any page, post or text widget. Here's what such an index looks like: I wrote this plugin because I like to invent words and define them on my b.........