German Slugs

While creating a post or page, WordPress automatically suggests a permalink. If your permalink structure contains the %postname% tag, then the title of your post or page will be used, simplified by conversion to lowercase, replacing spaces with hyphens, removing certain punctuation characters and removing diacritics from latin letters.

Thus, by default, ä is replaced with a, ö with o, ü with u and ß with s (similar for capital letters). For German, the conventional transliteration is ä to ae, ö to oe, ü to ue and ß to ss (sometimes sz in Austria, this is not yet supported). This plugin makes your WordPress apply the conventional transliteration.

I wrote this plugin because manually correcting WordPress's suggestions is a considerable hassle, especially if you decide to change the title afterwards.

Author Slug Field

This plugin will add a new field in the profile page to enable you to edit the user_nicename field which controls the URL of authors home page. Example of author's default home url( permalink):

Similar: 60%

Automatically Update Permalinks

When this plugin is activated and the title of a post or page is changed, the permalink (slug) of the post or page is automatically updated to reflect the new title. There is an option to disable this functionality on a one-time basis when saving. If you like this plugin, please consider making a d.........

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Admin Slug Column

Simply put, this plugin adds the page and post slug into the admin columns on the All post and All pages view. I built this quickly out of necessity to help identify pages and posts by their slug as sometimes the titles clients give them don't match up nicely with the url slug; so here's a fast way .........

Similar: 50%

WP Author Slug

This plugin replaces the author slug with a sanitized version of the user's display name. It will prevent hackers from finding out your login name through the author archive's URL and works towards your friendly URLs with using your display name....

Similar: 43%

Remove Stopwords From Slug

For a better SEO, it is said that the URLs must give information about the content of the web page. Because of this most people uses pretty URLs in wordpress with the permalink options. But the post slug in the URL is generated from the title of the post, and some times this slug is too long because.........

Similar: 38%

Smart Slug

Smartify your post and page slugs and let them convey the very essence of your content's titles by removing too short or insignificant stopwords - automatically, that is. Smart Slug comes preloaded with an easily expandable and configurable set of German, Dutch, Russian, Portuguese and English stopw.........

Similar: 28%

SF Author Url Control

With this plugin, administrators can change the default author base in the registered users profile url, and the author slug of each user. Changing an author slug is a good thing for security (if your login is "This Is Me", your slug will be "this-is-me", a bit easy to guess). The plugin adds 2 fiel.........

Similar: 25%

R3DF Multisite Blog Slug Remover

This plugin removes the '/blog' slug from the main site permalinks of a sub-folder multisite install. The intended purpose for this plugin is for multilingual installations where the main site is the default language (although I'm sure there are other applications). These sites are of often for bus.........

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Permalink Encoding

Non-ASCII characters can be used in the URL, but they have to be encoded (RFC3986). URL encoding is widely used (e.g. Wikipedia This plugin encodes NON-ASCII characters in the slugs of your pretty permalinks. So your slugs may look.........

Similar: 22%

SKU Shortlink For WooCommerce

This handy plugin might just be what you have searched for. It will create URL Aliases for your WooCommerce products so you could still have your nicely Search Engine Optimized links and at the same time completely custom SKU based URLs for use in Social Media and e-quotes still linking to the same.........

Similar: 10%