Automatically Update Permalinks

When this plugin is activated and the title of a post or page is changed, the permalink (slug) of the post or page is automatically updated to reflect the new title. There is an option to disable this functionality on a one-time basis when saving.

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Nice Trailingslashit

When we are define our WordPress's permalinks like "/archives/%post_id%.html", the feed link will be like "/feed", and the category's link, the tag's link will be also no have "/" at the end, but some times we need add "/" at the end at the all page but blog content. so i'm write the plugin....

Similar: 43%

R3DF Multisite Blog Slug Remover

This plugin removes the '/blog' slug from the main site permalinks of a sub-folder multisite install. The intended purpose for this plugin is for multilingual installations where the main site is the default language (although I'm sure there are other applications). These sites are of often for bus.........

Similar: 34%

SF Author Url Control

With this plugin, administrators can change the default author base in the registered users profile url, and the author slug of each user. Changing an author slug is a good thing for security (if your login is "This Is Me", your slug will be "this-is-me", a bit easy to guess). The plugin adds 2 fiel.........

Similar: 25%

SEO Permalinks Modifier

The SEO Permalinks Modifier plugin help to remove common words like 'a', 'the', 'to', 'what' from post slugs to improve search engine optimization performance for your wordpress site. For example, when you publish a post with a title like this: "How to Improve SEO Rank", WordPress automatically a.........

Similar: 24%

Edit Author Slug

This plugin allows an Admin to change the author slug (a.k.a. - nicename), without having to actually enter the database. You can also change the Author Base (the '/author/' portion of the author URLs). Two new fields will be added to your Dashboard. The "Edit Author Slug" field can be found under U.........

Similar: 24%

Permalink Encoding

Non-ASCII characters can be used in the URL, but they have to be encoded (RFC3986). URL encoding is widely used (e.g. Wikipedia This plugin encodes NON-ASCII characters in the slugs of your pretty permalinks. So your slugs may look.........

Similar: 22%

SKU Shortlink For WooCommerce

This handy plugin might just be what you have searched for. It will create URL Aliases for your WooCommerce products so you could still have your nicely Search Engine Optimized links and at the same time completely custom SKU based URLs for use in Social Media and e-quotes still linking to the same.........

Similar: 13%

SEO Internal Link Shortcode

This plugin allows you to create internal <a> links within your content that will not break when things get renamed or moved. While there are similar plugins available, they do not offer important SEO options. You can add any HTML attribute to your link as long as it's prefixed with "attr_". .........

Similar: 10%

YD *FAST* Page update

Drastically reduce page updating time! This WordPress plugin optimizes page management routines, it accelerates page saving time by bypassing the very heavy process of rebuilding all the rewriterules of your pretty-permalink enabled blogs each time anything on a page is changed. When using WordPre.........

Similar: 8%

WordPress Shortcodes

WordPress Shortcodes is a free WordPress plugin that brings an amazing set of beautiful and useful elements to your site. The plugin comes bundled with the full set of elements, all absolutely free of charge. Learn how you can use WordPress Shortcodes to easily create import / export safe links to .........

Similar: 5%