Permalink Encoding

By : crille

Non-ASCII characters can be used in the URL, but they have to be encoded (RFC3986). URL encoding is widely used (e.g. Wikipedia
This plugin encodes NON-ASCII characters in the slugs of your pretty permalinks. So your slugs may look like fußball-in-nürnberg or 連絡先.

percent encode capital letter

When you use [Options]-[Permalinks]-[Common Options]-[Date and name based], or %postname% in custom URL, entry title will be normalized for fitting to URL permitted letters. If title has non-ASCII letters, those letters cannot be directly put in URL so they are percent-encoded. This is processed in .........

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Chinese Tag Names

在Wordpress中设定了固定链接之后,有时(多见于Win主机)会出现中文标签(Tag)的固定链接不能访问的问题。 即中文 不能访问,而中文 可以访问。 可以通过修改Wordpress内核函数的方式来解决,但是每次Wordpress升级都要重新修改一次,比较麻烦。 本插件提供了便捷的.........

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Nice Trailingslashit

When we are define our WordPress's permalinks like "/archives/%post_id%.html", the feed link will be like "/feed", and the category's link, the tag's link will be also no have "/" at the end, but some times we need add "/" at the end at the all page but blog content. so i'm write the plugin....

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BP Trailingslashit

Look at the end of any buddypress URI if a slash is displayed and if it is not, redirect permanently non loggedin users to one with. Better for share and especialy done for crawlers....

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Case Insensitive URL’s

This plugin runs automatically at the beginning of each page load to insure every request is handled in a case-insensitive manner. This plugin forces all capital letters in a URL be changed to lowercase. For example: /MyPage becomes /mypage. This plugin prevents 404 errors from case-sensitive URL’.........

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Advanced Permalinks

Provides advanced permalink options that allow you to: Have multiple permalink structures. Permalinks can be assigned to posts or ranges of posts 301 redirect old permalink structures (many structures are allowed) Category-specific permalinks. Posts in certain categories can be assigned a permal.........

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Postname Permalink Auto Redirect

Changed the permalink structure and don't want to lose your SEO? You're in the right place! This plugin will automatically redirect the old '%postname%' permalink structure to the new one as long you keep the same slug in the posts. It works by searching posts by the slug name that comes in the req.........

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SEO Internal Link Shortcode

This plugin allows you to create internal <a> links within your content that will not break when things get renamed or moved. While there are similar plugins available, they do not offer important SEO options. You can add any HTML attribute to your link as long as it's prefixed with "attr_". .........

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SKU Shortlink For WooCommerce

This handy plugin might just be what you have searched for. It will create URL Aliases for your WooCommerce products so you could still have your nicely Search Engine Optimized links and at the same time completely custom SKU based URLs for use in Social Media and e-quotes still linking to the same.........

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YD *FAST* Page update

Drastically reduce page updating time! This WordPress plugin optimizes page management routines, it accelerates page saving time by bypassing the very heavy process of rebuilding all the rewriterules of your pretty-permalink enabled blogs each time anything on a page is changed. When using WordPre.........

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