Author: wokamoto Related WordPress Plugins

Hello Wapuu official character "わぷー(Wapuu)" will tell you about your activity on a dashboard. It's ready for translation from Japanese to your language....

Nephila clavata

This WordPress plugin allows you to use Amazon's Simple Storage Service to host your media for your WordPress powered blog. PHP libraries are using AWS SDK for PHP 2. PHP5.3 or later Required....

The WP Booster CDN Client

WPBooster CDN will make your WordPress sites load faster and perform Better!...

Nginx Cache Controller

This plugin provides some functions of controlling Nginx proxy server cache....

WP-Amazon 1.x for WordPress 2.5+

WP-Amazon adds the ability to search and include items from Amazon to your entries. This plugin adds a button called "Amazon" on the post page. Make sure to configure the plugin before using. This Plugin was based on WP-Amazon Plugin 1.3.2 by Rich Manalang...


Enabling this plugin allows you to set up Basic authentication on your site using your WordPress's user name and password. It is very useful for setting up Basic authentication temporarily to your development WordPress site and so on. This plugin banner image was created by Arcted. Thank you, Arcte.........

Table Optimizer

The plugin optimize Your WordPress Database Tables regularly....

Feedback Champuru

This plugin makes WordPress Comment boisterous adding feedbacks of Twitter, Social Bookmarks and so on....

Feed Template Customize

This plugin modifies RSS feeds and ATOM feeds as you want....

Spirits and Goblins

You can set up 2-step verification using one-time password by this plugin. One-time password will be sent to your E-mail or your cell phone as a Short Message using Twilio. This plugin will soon require PHP 5.4 or higher....

Head Cleaner

Cleaning tags from your WordPress header and footer. To speed up the loading of JavaScript and CSS. PHP5 Required....

Syntax Highlighter for WordPress

This plugin easily integrates the SyntaxHighlighter by Alex Gorbatchev into WordPress. Supports AS3, Bash, C, C++, C#, ColdFusion, CSS, Delphi, diff, Erlang, Groovy, Java, JavaScript, JavaFX, Perl, PHP, Plain Text, Python, PowerShell, Ruby, Scala, SQL, VB, VB.NET, XML, and (X)HTML. Feature summary .........

Total Backup

This plugin backs up a whole WordPress site and its database into a zip file. Click the "Site Backup" button to start the backup. While backing up, the site is in the maintenance mode. Completed with no problem, the back up files are listed up. Backing up is a kind of heavy process, so too many fil.........

OAuth Provider

This plugin is experimental and is enable to make your site an OAuth provider. Currently the plugin offers features as below: Registering applications (obtaining a Consumer Key). Issuing an Access Token. Using the obtained Consumer Key and the Access Token, you can register a method which is execu.........

Simple Tweet

This is a plugin creating a new tweet including a URL of new post on your wordpress. You can use specific tweet phrases by post authors. And You can also tweet short URL of your domain if you introduce the plugin Short link maker. PHP5 Required....