Nginx Cache Controller

This plugin provides some functions of controlling Nginx proxy server cache.


This plugin is delete Nginx cache. To delete cache files by saving dir path....

Similar: 50%

Nginx - do not cache these URLs

This plugin forces Nginx not to cache the specified URLs. Regular expressions are supported for advanced users. How this product came to life: One person came up with an idea to create such product. This person has added this idea on Everyone who liked this idea pooled their funds toge.........

Similar: 50%

Webglobe - Yegon Purge Cache

Automatic cache purge when the content is updated. Works only with specialized hosting plans from Webglobe - Yegon....

Similar: 40%

WPBase Cache

Plugin is developed to optimize wordpress deployment on varnish + nginx + php-fpm + php-apc server stack using three type of caches full page cache, db cache and opcode cache. This plugin includes nginx-compatibility, db-cache-reloaded-fix for nginx and database cache. This plguin also support varni.........

Similar: 20%

Nginx Cache

Flush the Nginx cache (FastCGI, Proxy, uWSGI) automatically when content changes or manually within WordPress. Requirements: The Filesystem API needs to be setup so it won't ask for credentials. Nginx and PHP need to either run under the same user, or the PHP user needs write access to Nginx's ca.........

Similar: 14%

WP Minify Fix

This plugin is a fork of WP Minify to fix bugs and add features, because it has not been updated since 2012-6-4. This plugin integrates the Minify engine into your WordPress blog. Once enabled, this plugin will combine and compress JS and CSS files to improve page load time....

Similar: 10%

Warm Cache

Crawls your website-pages based on any XML sitemap. If you have a caching plugin this will keep your cache warm. Speeds up your site. Compatible with following elements: < sitemap > < url > All urls in your sitemap will be visited by the plugin to keep the cache up to date. Will show av.........

Similar: 7%

W3 Total Cache

The only WordPress Performance Optimization (WPO) framework; designed to improve user experience and page speed. Recommended by web hosts like:, Synthesis, DreamHost, MediaTemple, Go Daddy, Host Gator and countless more. Trusted by countless companies like: AT&T,, matt.........

Similar: 3%

Wordfence Security

THE MOST DOWNLOADED WORDPRESS SECURITY PLUGIN Wordfence starts by checking if your site is already infected. We do a deep server-side scan of your source code comparing it to the Official WordPress repository for core, themes and plugins. Then Wordfence secures your site and makes it up to 50 times.........

Similar: 3%

G2 a Web Application Firewall

A WordPress security plugin that protect your website from hacks and malware....

Similar: 3%