Accessibility Access Keys

By : unknown

Accessibility Access Keys lets WordPress administrators easily create and maintain site-wide access keys for easy navigation.

For more help and documentation, visit the plugin page on

Access Keys

The WordPress Access Keys Plugin allows you to add access keys to pages and categories to improve accessibility of your WordPress website. This works with any page or category list that is called with wp_list_pages and wp_list_categories respectively. It is simple to use this this plugin. On the Ad.........

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Access Keys for WP Navigation Menus

The WordPress Access Keys Plugin allows you to add access keys to your navigation menus to improve accessibility of your WordPress website. Activate Add access keys to menu items under the Appearance > menu panel. ??? Profit from having an accessible site. For wp_list_pages and wp_list_catego.........

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Universal Accessibility Key (UAK) / Initiative MAJ+A

-- En français -- L'idée de ce plugin est de donner la possibilité à toute personne ayant des difficultés visuelles (malvoyants, seniors) ou de compréhension (illettrisme) d'accéder immédiatement à une page "accessible" qui leur est dédiée. En résumé, le raccourci clavier MAJ + A redirigera l'util.........

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Skim blog

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Logical Captcha

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CKEditor WYSIWYG for Gravity Forms

This plugin is an add-on for the Gravity Forms. If you don't yet own a license of the best forms plugin for WordPress, go and buy one now! What does this plugin do? allows you to add the CKEditor WYSIWYG to 'Paragraph Text', 'Body' and 'Custom Field - Paragraph Text' fields allows you to add .........

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WP Accessibility

This plug-in helps with a variety of common accessibility problems in WordPress themes. While most accessibility issues can't be addressed without directly changing your theme, WP Accessibility adds a number of helpful accessibility features with a minimum amount of setup or expert knowledge. All f.........

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WP Tota11y

WP Tota11y helps visualize how your site performs with assistive technologies. Check out the Tota11y webpage. The process of testing for accessibility (a11y) is often tedious and confusing. In many cases, developers must have some prior accessibility knowledge in order to make sense of the results. .........

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Accessibility Font

Herramienta para cambiar el tamaño del texto en su sitio....

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My Read More

MyReadMore This plugin replaces the default "read more" hyperlink with your chosen text AND adds a chosen number of the post-title-words to it, so all text links read different from each other. In the myReadMore panel, you can enter the "constant" word or words you wish to use to replace the defau.........

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