Logical Captcha

By : Lioncourt

Logical Captcha takes advantage of the TextCaptcha.com service, which provides logic-based textual questions instead of distorted images or audio to validate that the entity registering is a real live human being, and not a spam bot. It will provide protection against false registrations and the dreaded spam comments, etc.

An example of such a question might be:

Question: Out of a truck, a lion, the color purple, and the number forty-two, which has a door?

Answer: truck

Textual logic-based captchas mean that your registration process will be accessible to everyone, including visually/hearing impaired visitors who use access technology to surf the web. It requires a free API key from TextCaptcha.com

This plugin was developed by Josh de Lioncourt of the Mac-cessibility Network, a site dedicated to blind and visually impaired users of the Mac OS X operating system, the iPhone OS, and other Apple Inc. products and services. Josh de Lioncourt, the Mac-cessibility Network, and related sites are not in anyway affiliated with TextCaptcha.com

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