Add to Footer

By : Ajay

Add to Footer allows you to add any HTML or JS code to the footer for your WordPress theme. This ensures that you don't need to keep adding the same code in case you change your theme. Simply enter the settings once and you're good to go!

Comes inbuilt with support for Google Analytics and Statcounter. v1.3 adds support for the new Universal Analytics!

Gallery Theme

You will be able to deeply style wordpress galleries using this plugin. You can design your own gallery theme file and place it in your main template folder (in the root) or plugin's 'themes' folder (wp-content\plugins\gallery-theme\themes). There is a simple theme file 'gallery-theme-default.php' .........

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XWidgets lets you choose your widget layouts and settings for each individual page and post, instead of only having one layout applied to the whole site! For example, you could have a Twitter feed in your website's sidebar, but have your 'about me' page also display Flickr/Last.FM widgets in that p.........

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Footer Text

Provides an interface in the dashboard, similar to the post edit screen, that allows you to easily change the text displayed in the footer on the front-end. After installing the plugin, add the footer_text() template tag to your footer.php theme template where you want the text to display. For more .........

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Custom Post Styles

The Custom Post Styles plugin is an easy way to customize css of your posts individualy using CSS code. Plugin adds css editor box in your post editor. See it in action: Improve the user experience for your readers without having to change theme code....

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Lyza Loop

Lyza Loop is a WordPress plugin for theme developers and template-savvy folks that aims to: Dramatically shorten the time required to code custom loops Modularize custom loop markup using what I hope is a straightforward templating process Provide convenient batching variables Respect the context .........

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Reveal Template

Designers and developers know that it can sometimes be confusing and frustrating to determine the exact template being utilized to render the currently displayed page in WordPress. Sometimes page or category specific templates exist, or a page/post has been set by the post author to use a particular.........

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Official website: WoWPth official website. Plugin authors: Andrea Ferracani and Stefano Zanini, Paolo Gerini WoWPth lets you create your theme and customize its structure in an easy and interactive way. It allows you to define your own layout. You can customize width and height of the layout usin.........

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Fitr Theme Options

Fitr Theme Options helps theme designers to make a diverse and rich option page for their themes easily. It provides variety of default options and helps blog owners to design their own themes. The plugin automatically sets up custom header image for the theme. Users can easily change backgrounds,.........

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The plugin features a straightforward user interface in the WordPress dashboard to add/edit and delete events and set some options. Events allows you to list Events on a seperate page or in the sidebar, or both. Here you can list Old (archived) events future events and if you want, events happening.........

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Simple Upload Widget

Available on GitHubUsage Once the plugin is installed, visit the Widgets section of your wordpress install and add the widget to a widgetized area. Upload files using the widget and visit the widgetized area to view the image. The widget will display media in the image tag....

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