AddFunc Adaptive Content

With all of the new web enabled devices springing up in the market and with the wide range of screen sizes and data transfer speeds, a website can no longer serve the same content upon every request (not without some degree of limitations and/or traffic-loss).

This lightweight plugin lets content writers and theme authors choose when WordPress should or shouldn't show any give content item or theme element, using shortcodes and functions. It uses Mobile Detect (a PHP script) to identify the website visitor's device as either mobile, tablet or desktop, enabling you to allow or disallow content to be output. Use it to prevent large images/files from being downloaded to devices that generally have a lower data transfer speed available to them (e.g. mobile devices). Serve more extensive copy and more elaborate userinterfaces to desktop devices and laptops. Target tablets to market a tablet oriented product or service. You can also detect iOS, iPhone, iPad, Android OS and Windows Mobile OS.

Example of a shortcode: [notmobile]Write anything you want between these two tags and WordPress will only output it when the visitor is viewing your website with a desktop/laptop or tablet, but not with a mobile device.[/notmobile]

All shortcodes also exist as functions (prefixed with aFAC_ for namespacing), which can be used in your theme as needed. See the FAQs for more detail. Each function is a boolean and simply returns true or false.

PHP Mobile Redirect

This plugin easily detects mobile devices and redirects them to the mobile version of your site. This plugin also gives you the ability to bypass the mobile redirect based upon a cookie that is set on your mobile site. This allows you to redirect mobile users and give the option to "View Full Site.........

Similar: 50%

Mobile Switcher

The plugin allows you to set different themes for display on mobile devices. With this plugin you can select a theme that will be displayed if a user visits your site with a Tablet PC, mobile phone or desktop....

Similar: 40%

SS Device Detector

The purpose of the plugin is to help both WordPress users and developers with shortcodes and function respectively, to implement a server side responsive solution for their theme. The difference is substantial compared to solutions like display:none. When using the "display" CSS instruction on, let.........

Similar: 34%

WordPress Mobile only & Desktop Only Content

A small plugin which lets you add Mobile Only & Desktop only content on your wordpress website/blog. What do you need to do to make it work? *1. Download the plugin (If you are not installing directly from WordPress) *2. Upload the plugin on to WordPress *3. Activate the plugin *4. Wherever.........

Similar: 29%

Average Mobile Detect

Notice Average is changing its name to AddFunc (thank goodness). Therefore, this plugin has been republished as AddFunc Mobile Detect. The "AddFunc version" is compatible with the "Average version," so installation and activation is risk-free. This also enables you to manually transfer all of y.........

Similar: 25%

Mobile Site Redirect

Redirection to a separate mobile site such as with the same page name (so desktop version links can be used by mobile devices without redirection to a generic home page). View full site and view mobile site options allows users to switch back and forth between the desktop and mo.........

Similar: 23%

Adaptive Images for WordPress

Adaptive Images Resizes and optimizes images delivered to mobile devices, in a transparent and unobtrusive way, so that the total download time is dramatically reduced. It works as a filter between the device and your WordPress website. It actually works for all types of device screen sizes, alth.........

Similar: 17%

AddFunc Mobile Detect

Uses Mobile Detect to redirect mobile traffic to your mobile website. Redirects on a page-by-page basis (posts and custom post types included). For example; will redirect mobile devices to instead of always redirecting to your mobile home pag.........

Similar: 12%

WP ImageEngine Responsive Image Resizer

WP ImageEngine is an intelligent image CDN for optimizing, compressing and resizing images. ImageEngine will enhance your responsive images by enabling support for HTTP2, automatic webp conversion, Client Hints and more. It is likely that ImageEngine will shave off 50-60% of data traffic generated .........

Similar: 12%


WebSite | Stats | Facebook | Twitter | Contact Détecte un terminal mobile et vous permet de le basculer sur une thème mobile, ou de le rediriger vers un site marchand adapté et optimisé pour ce terminal, vous toucherez alors une commission à vie sur chaque vente. Vous avez également la possibilité.........

Similar: 5%