ALDNBURG Inline Weather Shortcodes

By : marfirk

This plugin allows you to display weather information in your written text. The current data and the forecasts are pulled from There are no widgets and no disturbing colours, just plain information. Use it on your travel blog, your tourist information, sport event.... wherever you want!

OpSt ezyThick

An easy(easier)-to-remember shortcode wrapper for Thickbox' inline funcion. Uses the build-in Thickbox module. A tool for those of us, who does not use the thickbox on a regular basis, and are having trouble remembering the syntax. No need to worry about inclusion of libraries, construction of hre.........

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Widgets on Pages

''NOTE'' Apologies but you may lose the widgets in your customised sidebars if upgrading from pre 0.0.8 version. The cause of this loss is required to enhance functionality and reduce further possible loss of config when changing/modifying themes. The choice to to do this was not easy but hopefully .........

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Metar is a plugin that includes aviation METAR or TAF reports, or extracted data, on your website with the use of shortcode. Features include: Include global METAR or TAF reports in your website. Include temperature and pressure data in various units. Enable shortcodes in widgets through admin pa.........

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Turbo Widgets

The easiest way to add Widgets to Posts and Pages through the WYSIWYG or shortcodes. What can you do with this plugin? Add Widgets and to your posts and pages content, inline. Widgets can be added through the WYSIWYG editor or shortcodes. Pro version supports WYSIWYG editing of widgets, template .........

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Awesome Weather Widget

Pro Version available. Weather icons, New Layouts and Custom Templates, Weather by Yahoo! (no API key required), User Location Detection and more! This plugin allows you to easily add super clean (and awesome) weather widgets to your site. The weather data is provided for free by http://openwe.........

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HD Weather Widget by The Waypoint

Hacking: John Grefe - Twitter Google + Design: James Steward - Twitter Google + Group: The Waypoint - This plugin uses HD 331dpi images, in beautiful responsive cirlces, to display weather for your location. Images included in this package now. The plugin par.........

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Popeye presents images from the WordPress media library in a nice and elegant way within your posts and pages. Use it to save space when displaying a collection of images and offer your users a simple way to show a big version of your images without leaving the page flow. It is based on Christoph S.........

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JKL Unit Converter

I'm an American expat in South Korea so I find I'm constantly wanting to convert between various units of measurement for different things. My family talks to me over Skype in Fahrenheit; recipes online call for 8 ounces of something; and I always wondered what various Korean house sizes and floo.........

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WCP OpenWeather

WCP OpenWeather plugin allows you to add various widgets and shortcodes with current weather or forecast for your city. Our plugin is based on free OpenWeatherMap API and works with free API key for weather data receiving with limitation for this plan, but you can buy any key for paid plans and use.........

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Awesome Studio

Awesome Studio is a shortcode based platform along with ready to use modules that can be installed and used by calling the shortcodes for those modules. Interested in knowing more about our platform? Get started with Awesome Studio More details about the platform & documentation can be found o.........

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