Atom Default Feed

The default feed in WordPress is normally RSS. However, many companies, including Google, have thrown more support behind the Atom syndication format. Atom is better designed, more robust, well-defined, and supports publish capabilities as well.

WordPress does support Atom, but not as the default feed. This plugin changes that, so that the default feed output is Atom format.

WordPress also has support for out of date feed types (RDF and RSS 0.92). Many people encounter problems when they accidentally use one of these feed types. Therefore this plugin eliminates them and returns the proper RSS 2 feed format instead. Since that format is backward compatible with both of those, it will work in all cases that needed them anyway.

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FeedWordPress is an Atom/RSS aggregator for WordPress. It syndicates content from feeds that you choose into your WordPress weblog; the content it syndicates appears as a series of special posts in your WordPress posts database. If you syndicate several feeds then you can use WordPress's posts datab.........

Similar: 34%

Full Text Feed

WordPress 2.1 introduces a nasty "feature" to feeds. Instead of abiding by your feed preferences, WordPress will truncate your feed’s content anywhere you insert a <!--more--> tag. Full Text Feed undos this functionality, allowing your feeds to contain the full text regardless of <!--more--.........

Similar: 34%

Ozh' Better Feed

Your feed, on steroids : add a custom footer to RSS items with, for example, a copyright notice, a "Read More (400 words)" links, an "Add to" link, a list of related entries, or anything really (even custom PHP functions). Compatible with Feedburner or similar services. Improve connecti.........

Similar: 29%


With the inlinefeed plugin you can display and embed RSS/ATOM feeds in your WordPress posts and pages using the following shortcode: [inlinefeed rss_feed_url="http://feed.xml"] NOTE: From version 2.0 you can only use the shortcode [inlinefeed], the old style <!--rss:[URL]--> doesn't work an.........

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FeedCache will retrieve, cache and store locally a list of RSS feeds that you can then display on your WP site. This prevents multiple HTTP requests with each page load since the feeds can be read from the cache file....

Similar: 29%


OmniFeed was inspired by InlineFeed made by Dennis Kruyt We loved that plugin but when it broke and it didn't look like it was being supported anymore, we built our own. Instead of holding it just for our company, we thought it would be great to share it - please feel free to use, modify, abuse, di.........

Similar: 29%

Hetjens Feed Redirect

This plug-in redirects requests to the main or comment feeds, and only theses two, to Feedburner or a similar service. In comparision to the original Feedsmith-plug-in is has three advantages: It redirects only the two main feeds of the blog and not all. The category, tag and author feeds are stil.........

Similar: 29%


FEEDZY RSS Feeds is a small and lightweight RSS aggregator plugin. Fast and very easy to use, it allows you to aggregate multiple RSS feeds into your WordPress site through fully customizable shortcodes & widgets. The plugin uses the SimplePie php CLASS natively included in WordPress. SimplePie.........

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WP Social Blogroll

WP Social Blogroll adds a social blogroll to your blog. It will follow and display all updates of the sites in your blogroll. See the plugin page or the author's page for more details. See this screenshot for example. The plugin retrieves the date of the most recent feed-item of the bookmarked sit.........

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Flattr RSS

This plugin will create a Flattr button in you RSS feeds item. Feed readers whith support can then show the button below the text, so that readers can Flattr directly from their RSS reader. Flatt RSS plugin requires an account at!...

Similar: 10%