Basic Comment Quicktags

This plugin displays the most basic of quicktag buttons on your comment forms, using the Quicktag API built into WordPress (as of 3.3).

You can turn these on and off for bbPress or comments on the discussions page (see the screenshots). Please note, the plugin defaults to off, so you have to go turn them on. Auto-activating isn't nice, as it may conflict with other plugins.


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WP Comment Encode

Easily include raw markup languages (HTML, CSS, PHP, etc.) in comments using custom quicktags. No need to encode, the filter does it for you. Creates convenient "encode" buttons for comment authors in the HTML editor. Also adds basic quicktag buttons on the comment forms, using the Quicktag API b.........

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MarcTV Comment Quicktags

Displays a bold, italic, add link and quote button on top of the comment form. ....

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SSL Grins

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Review Ratings

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wp-monalisa is the plugin that smiles at you like monalisa does. place the smilies of your choice in posts, pages or comments. There are a lot plugins for smiley support out there and some of them are really useful. Most of them don't work out of the box and this is what wp-monalisa tries to achie.........

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Math Captcha

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bublaa forum and comments

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POWr Reviews

Collect and display visitor reviews and ratings! POWr Reviews is a free cloud-based plugin you can edit in your live web page. Create a POWr account to access the entire plugin library. First, download, install, and activate POWr Reviews. Then drop the widget anywhere in your theme. Or add to .........

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Analytics Stats Counter Statistics

The Analytics Stats Counter Statistics track: Unique User Analytics: analyze your unique users Statistics by city Statistics by country Statistics screen resolution Statistical Data Bit Operating Systems Landing pages Unique visitors Returned Visitors (Web Page "Views") Browser Brands IPv4 IPv6 de.........

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NoMoreCaptchas is enterprise-level spam protection for sites of all sizes. Put an end to those annoying Captcha codes that slow down or even send away your users! NoMoreCaptchas authenticates human beings and blocks bots based on the one thing that can never be faked - their behavior....

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