BBCode Deluxe

BBCode Deluxe adds BBCode markup (and other shortcodes) to WordPress and BBPress. These BBCodes create HTML5 tags, so be sure that your site supports HTML5.

  • Plugin Name: BBCode Deluxe
  • Plugin URI:
  • Description: Adds support for BBCode to WordPress and BBPress
  • Version: 2015.10.01
  • Author: Devyn Collier Johnson (DevynCJohnson)
  • Author URI:
  • Email:
  • License: GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL3)
  • License URI:

This plugin includes code from the below listed developers and their plugins.

  • Copyright (C) 2013 Anton Channing ("Video and Audio BBCodes" and "bbPress2 BBCode")
  • Copyright (C) 2010 b0ingBall (b0ingBall BBCode plugin)
  • Copyright (C) 2008 Viper007Bond (the original BBCode plugin)

Feel free to submit suggestions, bug reports, concerns, etc. to me. If a user donates more than twenty USD to my PayPal account, then I will give that user my phone-number to allow the user to call me for bug reports, suggestions, help, concerns, etc.

The BBCodes can be typed in all lowercase or all uppercase, but the opening and closing BBCodes must match. For instance, [b]bold[/b] = [B]bold[/B].

*Inline Styling*
Bold: [b]bold[/b] [strong]bold[/strong]
Italic: [i]italic[/i] [em]italic[/em]
Underline: [u]underline[/u]
Strikeout:[s]striked-out/strike-through[/s] [del]deleted[/del]
Color (name): [color="blue"]named blue[/color]
Color (hex string): [color="0000ff"]hex blue[/color]
Color (hex number): [color=#00ff00]this is green instead of blue[/color]
Center Text: [center]center me[/center]
Font Size: [size=10]10px font size[/size]
Justify Alignment: [justify]justify text[/justify]
Left Alignment: [left]left-aligned text[/left]
Subscript: [subscript]subscript text[/subscript]
Superscript: [superscript]superscript text[/superscript]
Right Alignment: [right]right-aligned text[/right]
Reverse Text: [reverse]reverse text[/reverse] [bdo]reverse text[/bdo]

*Images, Links, and Embedded Content*
Email: []text[/email] [email][/email]
Freesound: [freesound]ID[/freesound] [freesound=large]ID[/freesound]
Gvideo: [gvideo]ID[/gvideo]
Image: [img][/img] [img=DCJTech Logo][/img]
URL: [url][/url] [url=]DCJTech[/url]
Vimeo: [vimeo  ]ID[/vimeo]
Youtube: [youtube  ]ID[/youtube]

*Quotes and Code*
Abbreviation: [abbr title="HyperText Markup Language"]HTML[/abbr]
Cite: [cite]Relevant source[/cite]
Computer Code: [code]function HelloWorld($greet = 'World') { return 'Hello '.$greet } [/code]
Keyboard Keys: [kbd]Ctrl[/kbd]+[kbd]S[/kbd] [keyboard]Ctrl[/keyboard]+[keyboard]S[/keyboard]
Quote: [quote]KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid[/quote]
Quote (NAME): [quote=NAME]Life is what you make of it[/quote] [quote="NAME"]Persistance is the main ingredient for success[/quote]
Quote (author=NAME): [quote author=NAME]Quitters never succeed, and successors never quit[/quote] [quote author="Martin Jones"]Kissing arses is pointless. However, knowing whose arse to kiss and whose to kick and when is priceless.[/quote]

*Lists and Tables*
Ordered Lists: [ol][li]Ordered-list[/li][/ol]
Unordered Lists: [ul][li]Unordered-list[/li][/ul]
Table: [table]
Thead: [thead]
Tbody: [tbody]
Tfoot: [tfoot]
th: [th]
tr: [tr]
td: [td]

*Special Content*
Client IP: [ip/]
Contents appear to registered users: [user]This is a secret message[/user]
Contents appear to non-registered users: [guest]Login to see less ads and content hidden from guests. (CODE TO DISPLAY AD)[/guest]
Horizontal Ruler (Line): [hr/]
Spoiler: [spoiler]Surprise![/spoiler]
Spoiler (Named): [spoiler=one plus one]is 10 (in binary)[/spoiler]
Useragent: [useragent/]

will render as

<div class="bbcode-quote bbcode-quote-NAME"><strong>NAME wrote: </strong><blockquote>QUOTE</blockquote></div>

If "NAME" matches the login name of a user on the system, it will render as

<div class="bbcode-quote bbcode-quote-user bbcode-quote-NAME"><strong>DISPLAY_NAME wrote: </strong><blockquote>QUOTE</blockquote></div>

Where "DISPLAY_NAME" is the display name that user. With BuddyPress installed, the name also becomes a link to their profile page. Otherwise, if BBPress is installed, it becomes a link to their forum user-page.

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