bbP Move Topics

By : casiepa

bbPress topics are not always created in the correct forum by users. Move them to other forums on the same site or "zap" them if they are in the correct forum so you do not have to deal with them next time.

Current features include:

  • Move topic to another forum
  • Zap topics so you do not need to deal with them again

Upcoming features:

  • Check for patch on the freshness after the move (Known bug :
  • Pagination for the zapped items
  • Choose the number of topics to display on screen for treatment
  • Performance: do not recalculate the forum after every action (this could slow down on large forums)
  • Donation button ( yeah, I knw, many of you asked for it :-p )


  • Start from your dashboard on "Forum > Move Topics"

PS. Looking for global options or dealing with subscriptions ? Check out

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