bbPress Unread Posts

Shows a read/unread icon next to threads (Marks topic as read when the user visits it). A "Mark all topic as read" button on each page allows to set the topics on that page as read. Developed for:

bbPress Unread Posts v2

Shows a read/ unread icon next to threads and forums (Marks topic as read when the user visits it). This Plugin is an update to the older Plugin....

Similar: 67%

bbPress Go To First Unread Post

bbPress Go To First Unread Post is a literally named plugin that allows registered users to jump to the first Reply in a Topic that they haven't viewed yet. This gives your bbPress forum the simple and expected functionality of non-WordPress counterparts like phpBB, without a lot of coding. First, .........

Similar: 43%

BP Unread Posts

Shows a label for unread forum posts. Marks topic as read when user visits the topic. A "mark all read" button on each page allows setting the topics on that page as unread. Based on a plugin by 3sixty, however not much code is left of it ;)...

Similar: 43%

bbPress - Sort topic replies

Sort topic replies in ascending or descending order for each bbPress Topic. You can choose to save setting for each topic, for the whole Forum or set globally for every Topic....

Similar: 40%

bbPress Pencil Unread

bbPress Pencil Unread display which bbPress forums/topics have already been read by the logged user; and adds classes to forums/topics so you can customize your theme easily. Compatible with BuddyPress Groups Forums feature. For forums, it checks if the user has visited the forum since it was last.........

Similar: 34%

bbPress New Topics

A 'New' label will be prepended to the title of every unread topic and topic that contains unread replies. This makes it a whole lot easier for all keymasters and moderators to identify what's been happening since last time they check in....

Similar: 34%

bbPress auto subscribe for new topics and replies

Make bbPress more user friendly... You know the problem? You post a new topic or a new reply to an existing topic but you forgot to subscribe to the topic? You will not get any email with other members replies. This plugin .. per default sets the initial state of the "subscribe to topic" checkb.........

Similar: 34%

bbPress Reports

A simple plugin to give you insights on your forum. How is your support/moderator team is doing. Number of active topics, new topics per day. Busiest day and time of the week How is your team doing How a particular person is doing See Screenshots | Fork in Github...

Similar: 34%

Orbisius bbPress Signature

This plugin allows your users to have signatures in a bbPress powered forum. The signature box appears as a separate menu as well as under user's profile page....

Similar: 13%

GD bbPress Tools

Adds various expansions and tools to the bbPress 2.x plugin implemented forums. Currently included features: BBCode shortcodes support Quote Reply or Topic User signature with BBCode and HTML support Additional custom views Basic topics search results view Toolbar menu integration Limit bbPress ad.........

Similar: 11%