BP Unread Posts

By : normen

Shows a label for unread forum posts. Marks topic as read when user visits the topic. A "mark all read" button on each page allows setting the topics on that page as unread. Based on a plugin by 3sixty, however not much code is left of it ;)

bbPress Unread Posts v2

Shows a read/ unread icon next to threads and forums (Marks topic as read when the user visits it). This Plugin is an update to the older https://wordpress.org/plugins/bbpress-unread-posts/ Plugin....

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bbPress Unread Posts

Shows a read/unread icon next to threads (Marks topic as read when the user visits it). A "Mark all topic as read" button on each page allows to set the topics on that page as read. Developed for: http://jmonkeyengine.org...

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