BNS Support

By : Cais

Displays useful technical support information in a widget area (sidebar); or, via a shortcode on a post or page. The displayed details are easy to share by copying and pasting. Information available includes such things as the web site URL; the WordPress version; the current theme; a list of active plugins ... and much more. This is help for those that help. NB: The information is only viewable by logged-in users, and by default, only the site administrator(s).

GitHub User Repo Widget

A simple widget that will show a list of repos for a specified GitHub user. Optionally can display a GitHub follow badge as well....

Similar: 50%

Citizens' initiative support

This plugin provides easy way for adding widget to show number of support statements in Finnish citizens' initiative. It also adds a link to where the initiative may be signed. It receives initiative information from Open Data API so all the information is fresh.........

Similar: 25%

Genesis Overlay Widget

Please Note: This plugin only works with the Genesis Framework This plugin allows you to create a full screen overlay widget-area. You can use this plugin for forms, navigation or a featured post or page. Set backgroundcolor, button position and choose one of the seven effects you like best. The p.........

Similar: 20%

Genesis Widget Background

Please Note: This plugin only works with the Genesis Framework The Genesis Widget Background allows you to set a background for your featured page widget. You can use the featured image of the selected page, a custom image or a background color. Also, there is an option to set the background fixed..........

Similar: 20%

Genesis Featured Page Advanced

Please Note: This plugin is only for Genesis Framework users. Genesis is a premium product by StudioPress. That said, most Genesis users have probably stumbled upon the Genesis - Featured Page widget as a great way to add page teasers/links to your homepage, footer, sidebars, or really any widget a.........

Similar: 20%

Olark for WP

Olark for WP makes it easy for WordPress authors to offer live help/chat on their sites. Or even just a one-on-one chat mechanism. Simply drop in the plugin, enter your Olark account ID, and start chatting with your site visitors through your favorite IM client. No complicated settings, one file to .........

Similar: 12%

bbPress Search Widget

Great Helper Tool for bbPress 2.3+ ;-) This small and lightweight plugin is pretty much like the regular, packaged bbPress search widget but just offers up to 13 awesome options for you! For example, easily change the search, placeholder and button texts. Also, set visibility options or add opt.........

Similar: 12%

Widget Icon

Widget Icon enhances your website with 640+ beautiful icons from Font Awesome and Elusive font libraries designed for Twitter Bootstrap. You just select a font library, select an icon and display it in any widget on your WordPress site. For more information, check out plugin page at dFactory or plu.........

Similar: 12%

Fonetic Web Callback

Web Callback is an instant phone call service for your website, email signature or newsletter. It allows your visitors to be called back for free. Get a real leverage for your online conversions ! For the attention of our english users FONETIC commercial & service website is currently being tra.........

Similar: 11%

EGW Hover Effects

EGW images hover effect using pure CSS uses new transitions and different coding. which is suitable for portfolio, image gallery and much more as Sidebar. You can set animation for image and caption separately. Easy to use and customization, no need to knowledge’s ,CSS,HTML. Simple, Easy And Stylize.........

Similar: 5%