Author: Cais Related WordPress Plugins

BNS Theme Details

This plugin can be used to display the recent download count of a theme, as well as various other details such as the author and when it was last updated. It also includes a link to the WordPress Theme repository if it exists....


An author details shortcode plugin with multiple extensions that can modify the output. The extension plugins, using some of the many available hooks, can add a rounded corner border; display the details as an unordered list; and/or hide the author email address details....

BNS Add Style

This plugin is considered retired and may not be actively supported going forward. If all you need to do is change a Theme's existing CSS this plugin will provide you an enqueued stylesheet that will not be over-written when a Theme is update; saving you the work of creating and maintaining a Child-.........

BNS Featured Tag

Plugin with multi-widget functionality that displays most recent posts from specific tag or tags (set with user options). Also includes user options to display: Tag Description; Author and meta details; comment totals; post categories; post tags; and either full post, excerpt, or your choice of the .........

BNS Corner Logo

Widget to display a user selected image as a logo; or, used as a plugin that displays the image fixed in one of the four corners of the display....

BNS Add Widget

Add a widget area to the footer of any theme by way of the wp_footer action hook. Works just like the widget areas commonly created with code in the functions.php template file....

BNS Theme Add-Ins

A collection of functions and code that can be used to extend the capabilities of WordPress Parent-Themes and Child-Themes....

BNS Support

Displays useful technical support information in a widget area (sidebar); or, via a shortcode on a post or page. The displayed details are easy to share by copying and pasting. Information available includes such things as the web site URL; the WordPress version; the current theme; a list of active .........

BNS Featured Category

Plugin with multi-widget functionality that displays most recent posts from specific category or categories (set with user options). Also includes user options to display: Category Description; Author and meta details; comment totals; post categories; post tags; and either full post, excerpt, or you.........

BNS Site Data

Display various site statistics (read: counts) such as: posts, pages, categories, tags, comments, and attachments. Each site statistic can be toggled via a checkbox in the widget option panel....

BNS Badge "badge" that dynamically displays, in a widget area or with a shortcode, the user's current rating with direct links to


Plugin with multi-widget functionality that builds an SMF Forum RSS feed url by user option choices; and, displays a SMF forum feed. The widget includes the additional option to include in the feed: specific boards and/or specific categories. There are also check boxes to include the feed item date .........

BNS Helpers

A collection of shortcodes and helper functions to provide some additional output and compatibilities. The current version of BNS Helpers includes the following: Allows Text Widgets to parse shortcode structures Turns on the dashicons option in BNS Login ( .........

BNS Early Adopter

Show off you are an early adopter of WordPress by displaying a message showing what version you are running (alpha, beta, release candidate and/or stable versions)....

BNS Login

A simple plugin providing a link to the dashboard; and, a method to log in and out of your blog in the footer of the theme. This is ideal for those not wanting to use the meta widget/code links. Now with an added toggle to support a minimalist approach using Dashicons. See the FAQ for more details.........