By : Cais

An author details shortcode plugin with multiple extensions that can modify the output. The extension plugins, using some of the many available hooks, can add a rounded corner border; display the details as an unordered list; and/or hide the author email address details.

MPL - Publisher

MPL - Publisher is a plugin to create an ebook from your WordPress posts. The plugin’s main purpose is to help writers solving the how to create an ebook problem the simplest possible way, easing the process of converting your ebook to ePub, pdf, kindle books, Mobi... etc. The plugin is still in an.........

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Disclaimer and Notification Manager for Authors

This plugin simplify the process of adding Disclaimers and Custom Notifications at the top, middle or bottom of articles written by Guest contributors....

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Widgets Reloaded

The default WordPress widgets don't offer much control over how they are output on the screen. Widgets Reloaded seeks to correct this problem. This plugin replaces many of the default widgets with versions that allow much more control. Widgets come with highly customizable control panels. Each w.........

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Permalink Editor

This plugin adds two areas of functionality: Global page, category or tag permalink structures and individual custom permalinks. Options are added to the Permalinks Settings page allowing you to specify the structure for pages, categories, tags and authors. By default - if custom permalinks are en.........

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BNS Theme Details

This plugin can be used to display the recent download count of a theme, as well as various other details such as the author and when it was last updated. It also includes a link to the WordPress Theme repository if it exists....

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WP Author Box Lite

Give identity to your blog posts, pages and custom post types! Author Box Lite creates responsive profile and latest posts box to increase reader engagement. This also automatically add google+ profile authorship....

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Humans TXT

Credit the people behind your website in your humans.txt file. Easy to edit, directly within WordPress. Use variables like a last-updated date, active plugins and many others... Use the [humanstxt] shortcode to display your humans.txt on your site Add an author link tag to your site's <head>.........

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Edit Author Slug

This plugin allows an Admin to change the author slug (a.k.a. - nicename), without having to actually enter the database. You can also change the Author Base (the '/author/' portion of the author URLs). Two new fields will be added to your Dashboard. The "Edit Author Slug" field can be found under U.........

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Expert Finder

This Plugin provides a search engine to find experts who created or commented various WordPress content types. Experts are found using a sophisticated algorithm evaluating the social interaction. Its parameters can be configured on the plugin settings page. The search engine can be included anywhere.........

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The Diffen comparison plugin allows WordPress bloggers to easily search for and embed a comparison on their blog. You can compare anything on Diffen - baseball players, credit cards, computer processors, religions, countries, get the idea. We wanted to share with WordPress bloggers .........

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