BNS Add Style

By : Cais

This plugin is considered retired and may not be actively supported going forward. If all you need to do is change a Theme's existing CSS this plugin will provide you an enqueued stylesheet that will not be over-written when a Theme is update; saving you the work of creating and maintaining a Child-Theme.

Style Tweaker

You can add CSS to the entire website, regardless of what theme is being used, or add it to just the current theme. You can even add CSS that displays only when you are logged on - very useful when you're playing with a new look, and it's not quite ready for public viewing. That's it! There are no .........

Similar: 30%

Just TinyMCE Custom Styles

This plugin controls TinyMce "style_formats" parameter. It allows to add custom formatters to the Wysiwyg editor. This is only user interface to the standard feature, which is disabled by default and explained in official documentation on

Similar: 30%

Editor Menu and Widget Access

This lightweight plugin allows users with the role Editor to access the Menus and Widgets areas of the Appearance menu in WordPress' admin area. This is a common task that would be useful for clients to manage themselves to give them more control over their website's content. This plugin also gives.........

Similar: 19%

WP Visual Icon Fonts

Select from a variety of icon fonts, and see them right in the visual editor with the simplest icon font tools avaialbe, See the screenshots to preview the super simple user interface....

Similar: 19%

Simple Custom CSS and JS

Customize your WordPress site's appearance by easily adding custom CSS and JS code without even having to modify your theme or plugin files. This is perfect for adding custom CSS tweaks to your site....

Similar: 16%

WP Fontallic Easypromoweb

Select from a variety of icon fonts, and see them right in the visual editor with the simplest icon font tools avaialbe, See the screenshots to preview the super simple user interface....

Similar: 10%

Tiny Bootstrap Elements Light

Add a Bootstrap toolbar to WordPress editor, access to visual editors to create/edit : Button (+ icons) Icon Table Template (create only) Breadcrumb Pagination Pager Label Badge Alert Panel Snippet Modal Carousel Navbar Popover Accordion Jumbotron Can be used with any WordPress theme : if your t.........

Similar: 7%

WP Edit

Introduction For a riveting video introduction into the possibilities available with WP Edit; please visit Jupiter Jim's Marketing Team....

Similar: 7%

Ultimate TinyMCE

Note: The end of Ultimate TinymceThis plugin will not work properly on WordPress versions 3.9 and above...

Similar: 6%

Ads Campaigns

Create Facebook Ads and Remarketing Ads from your wordpress! Create, monitor and schedule your ads easily. Use the Ad Buddy system to automatically optimize your ads for amazing results! Can be used and integrated with the Landing Pages Builder and the Social Contests plugins for more leads .........

Similar: 3%