Just TinyMCE Custom Styles

This plugin controls TinyMce "style_formats" parameter. It allows to add custom formatters to the Wysiwyg editor.

This is only user interface to the standard feature, which is disabled by default and explained in official documentation on codex.wordpress.org: https://codex.wordpress.org/TinyMCE_Custom_Styles

Link Class select

For example you can define addition dropdown of css classes for link tag. To do so create such row formatter:

  • Title: My Link Style
  • Selector: a
  • Classes: my-link-style
  • Editor CSS: a.my-link-style { color:red; }


  • Load Settings from DB or .json file from theme
  • Enable/Disable some style_format features for more clean formatting
  • Easy to use formats edit


If you have any feedbacks or bugs found: please write to our github issues tracker: https://github.com/justcoded/just-tinymce-custom-styles/issues

Plugin Demo

Simpler Editor Styles

Trims the list of formats available in TinyMCE to the ones that are actually helpful for normal editing (that is, not h1, h2 and others that the theme should set). This is very easily customisable, but as of this version the styles recommended are: h3 h4 p sub sup blockquote Really it...

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