BuddyPress No Mentions

By : r-a-y

Are @mentions confusing to your BuddyPress users? Disable them with this small and nifty plugin!


This plugin sends notifications to an entire collection of members when you mention them with a given command....

Similar: 67%

Email Mentioned

This ultra lightweight plugin send a customizable email to each user mentioned in a comment. Mentions: A mention is an username preceded by the mention qualifier. Username: This plugin will look for the username in display_names and logins Qualifier: Can be a character but also a string. The de.........

Similar: 20%

Mention comment's Authors by Wabeo

"Mention comment's authors" is a plugin that improves the WordPress comments fonctionality, adding a response system between authors. When adding a comment, your readers can directly mentioning the author of another comment, like facebook or twitter do,using the "@" symbol. This mention plugin add .........

Similar: 13%

BuddyPress Media Component (unsupported)

This version is no longer supported. Updated version of this plugin is launched as "BuddyPress Media Component"....

Similar: 10%

BP Group Documents

BP Group Documents creates a page within each BuddyPress group to upload and any type of file or document. This allows members of BuddyPress groups to upload and store files and documents that are relevant to the group. Documents can be edited and deleted either by the document owner or by the grou.........

Similar: 10%

BuddyPress Registration Options

Prevent users and bots from accessing the BuddyPress or bbPress areas of your website(s) until they are approved. This BuddyPress extension allows you to enable user moderation for new members, as well as help create a private network for your users. If moderation is enabled, any new members will b.........

Similar: 10%

Restrict Usernames

This plugin allows you to restrict the usernames that new users may use when registering for your site. If open registration is enabled for your site (via Settings -> General -> Membership ("Anyone can register")), WordPress allows visitors to register for an account on your blog. By default,.........

Similar: 10%

BuddyPress Captcha

This plugin adds Google's reCAPTCHA form to your BuddyPress' registration page to keep your community spam-free! You can use out simple option panel to add reCAPTCHA credentials right from your Dashboard without editing any files. This plugin is a forked version of BuddyPress reCAPTCHA plugin, whic.........

Similar: 10%

BuddyPress Better Pagination

This simple plugin does three things: adds pagination links at the bottom of all directories in BuddyPress - in groups, forums, members, friends, blogs, messages. Allows you to set how many items show per page in the (go to BUddyPress -> Better Pagination in the WP back end) Makes the paginati.........

Similar: 10%


wp-monalisa is the plugin that smiles at you like monalisa does. place the smilies of your choice in posts, pages or comments. There are a lot plugins for smiley support out there and some of them are really useful. Most of them don't work out of the box and this is what wp-monalisa tries to achie.........

Similar: 10%