Bunny's Language Linker

By : Steph

This plugin assumes you have a site in two or more languages, and that you are using a separate WordPress install for each language. It helps you create links between the same pages in different language versions.

You should have a pattern of parallel sites with urls like http://stephanie-booth.com/en/, http://stephanie-booth.com/de/, http://stephanie-booth.com/fr/. Maybe the page http://stephanie-booth.com/en/about is equivalent to the page http://stephanie-booth.com/fr/a-propos. The plugin adds a DBX box in the edit/create page admin form, named "Other Language Slugs". In this case, you'd edit the "about" page, and paste the fr slug ("a-propos") in the appropriate field.

The plugin will then display a small link to the page in the other language at the bottom of your page, or in your menu bar if you're using a Sandbox-based theme.

Careful! This only works for Pages, not posts!

For intelligent user redirection when they land on the home page, you might want to try using the technique described here: http://climbtothestars.org/archives/2007/12/28/browser-language-detection-and-redirection/

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