Carbon Pagination

A handy WordPress library for building all kinds of paginations.

Provides the theme and plugin developers an easy way to build and implement highly customizable paginations, specifically tailored to their needs.

This plugin supports 4 types of pagination (you can easily extend the library if you need to create a new type of pagination):

Simple Pagination

Simple Pagination allows to set up an advanced pagination for posts and comments. You have an easier navigation on your WordPress. Simple Pagination has 6 stylesheets for the pagination : CSS 3, Flickr, Digg,, Green and Grey Translation: English, French...

Similar: 42%

Linchpin - PrevNextPage

Create next/previous links for pages. Adds the functions next_page_link() and previous_page_link() which links sibling to page(s). If your page doesn't have a direct sibling the plugin will try to go out to the parent of the current page and get the parent's next sibling. If enabled the plugin will .........

Similar: 39%


Author Site| Plugin Home Page Replaces the basic paging style with a simple paging navigation interface. WP-SEO-Paginate is a simple and flexible pagination plugin which provides users with better navigation on your WordPress site. In addition to increasing the user experience for your visitors, .........

Similar: 39%

Carbon Breadcrumbs

Provides the theme and plugin developers an easy way to build and implement highly customizable breadcrumb functionality, specifically tailored to their needs. Supports a lot of filters and hooks, and is written in OOP style, giving developers full control over the breadcrumb trail items and appeara.........

Similar: 34%


Easy is a multi-functional widget covering most of the native WordPress functions commonly used in templates. You can place almost any part of your content anywhere in your sidebars. The widget is made out of drag&drop bits (bricks) and is totally up to you what you want to show on your website.........

Similar: 24%

Inline Comments

Inline Comments adds your comment system to the side of paragraphs and other sections (like headlines and images) of your post. It performs native with WordPress comments. The comment area is shown when you click the comment count bubbles (left or right) beside any section. When publishing a comme.........

Similar: 24%

Ajax Pagination and Infinite Scroll

Load paged content with Ajax throughout your WordPress site. This plugin works where you'd usually display paged content including on posts, pages, custom post types and WooCommerce. There are 3 paging types to choose from; infinite scroll that automatically loads new posts as the user reaches the .........

Similar: 24%

WP Advanced Comment

WP Advanced comment is a powerful and easy to use AJAX based comment system for wordpress with drag and drop fields that allows your website visitors to comment on articles, blogs and product pages....

Similar: 11%

Gallery Share: Social Lightbox For Every Image


Similar: 8%

pixoona Plugin

Conquer the world of PIXSETTING with this plugin. Install the pixoona plugin and any picture on your blog becomes the platform to share your thoughts, ideas and favorite products with your friends, customers or the PIXSETTER community. Test PIXSETTING Want to give it a.........

Similar: 7%