Comment Mail™ (WP Comment Subscriptions)

Comment Mail is a powerhouse plugin that allows commenters to sign up for email notifications whenever they leave a comment on your site. Or, they can also subscribe without commenting—the choice is theirs.

Send email only on Reply to My Comment

UPDATE: Users now have three options to choose from: Do Not Send Email Notifications. Send Email Notification ONLY If Someone Replies To My Comment(s). Send Email Notification Whenever A New Comment Is Posted. If a user chooses the second option, then email notification will only be sent to him .........

Similar: 50%

Optin Comment Notifications

This plugin adds a checkbox to the profile page for users which allows them to opt into receiving a notification email whenever a comment is made to the site. If a comment goes into moderation, only users who have the ability to manage comments on the site will receive the moderation notification e.........

Similar: 43%

cbnet Multi Author Comment Notification

Easily enable email notification of new comments to users other than the post author. Via Dashboard -> Settings -> Discussion, enable email notification to users by site admin, user role (Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, Subscriber ), or define arbitary email addresses to notify. A.........

Similar: 31%

Facebook Comments Notifier

The Facebook Comments Notifier plugin adds the facebook comment system in place of the default WordPress comments and creates email notifications on successfully posted comments. The email notification includes: A link back to the page where the comment was submitted The name of the person who su.........

Similar: 29%

Subscribe To Comments Reloaded

Subscribe to Comments Reloaded is a robust plugin that enables commenters to sign up for e-mail notification of subsequent entries. The plugin includes a full-featured subscription manager that your commenters can use to unsubscribe to certain posts or suspend all notifications. It solves most of th.........

Similar: 29%


Style your html and plain text mails with dedicated themes and templates. Double opt-in subscription. Subscriptions to Comments, Newsletters/Post notifications and even to Mailing lists. Newsletters/Post notifications on a per post, daily, weekly, monthly basis. Optional : full control on all mails.........

Similar: 27%

Comments - wordpress plugin by Vicomi

Free comments platform. Vicomi comments is a FREE comments platform. Comments with a new cool, Stylish graphic interface with the best comments moderation tool ever. NEW - Choose your own comments design. The platform presents web-based comments in a visual, interactive and personalized manner for .........

Similar: 10%

Spot.IM Comments

Spot.IM is the next-generation user engagement platform that reimagines the way you think about your comment section. In only 5 minutes, you can turn your website's old comment section into something of real value by leveraging your users' conversations and social output. Spot.IM incentivizes your .........

Similar: 9%

Postmatic - Post and comment subscriptions that invite you to hit reply. Now with Optins.

Read about how we are revolutionizing WordPress engagement on our site...

Similar: 7%

Notification Bar

Notification Bar plugin offers simple and user friendly user interface. Customize your own bar via options panel with important features which most of the bar plugins do not offer. Responsive , zero coding skills required, fulfill your needs. You can add any type of content Ads,Images,HTML,Embe.........

Similar: 6%