Coral - Remote Images

Do you work with GIT repositories and develop WordPress websites locally? Have you found it time consuming and difficult to develop locally on a large WordPress website that has thousands of images? Does your development site get out of date within months due to active content management on the live site?

Activate this plugin on your local or development environment, and any linked images in the database content (wp-content/uploads folder) will be pulled from the live site URL.

Site Renamer

You have a local installation (eg. localhost/blogs) and use it to develop and test all your themes. With this plugin activated, every time you switch themes the blogname option will be updated to match that theme name....

Similar: 60%

Media Placeholders

Activate this plugin to redirect all requests for missing uploaded images on your blog to your favorite placeholder image service, such as or Note that although kittens are cute, the service is actually more useful because the background and foreground colo.........

Similar: 60%

Enable Image Scaling on Upload

Have problems with large images clogging up your uploads directory and taking up more space than necessary? Now you an configure a set of dimensions that all images will be scaled down to when uploaded through WordPress. If you have a bug fix or wish to contribute, check out the GitHub repository. .........

Similar: 40%

Environmental Plugin Manager

VERY IMPORTANT: This plugin is deprecated and will not be mantained anymore. Please consider using Stage WP Plugin Manager instead. If you develop locally, at some point you'll have some plugins active in your local environment that you don't need anymore when you deploy your code and database to s.........

Similar: 34%

Stage WP Plugin Manager

If you develop in a local machine, at some point you'll have some active plugins there that you don't need in the servers that you're deploying to. Sure, you can deactivate them in your local machine before deploying, or after deploying in the remote ones, but you're gonna need them again to be acti.........

Similar: 25%

UploadPlus : File Name Cleaner

NEW: EXIF header malware/backdoor sanitization! Filenames on the web are different than those on the desktop. Empty spaces and strange characters doesn't belong to web space. Enter UploadPlus: you can set your rules and clean your files' name while they upload. Three basic rules: keep only alphan.........

Similar: 25%

Uploads by Proxy

This plugin is meant to be used by developers who work on sites in a local development environment before deploying changes to a production (live) server. It allows you skip downloading the contents of wp-content/uploads to your local WordPress install. Instead, images missing from the uploads direc.........

Similar: 24%

WP Offload S3 Filter Image File Types

Filters the plugin WP Offload S3 by stopping images only from uploading to the S3 bucket....

Similar: 20%


Whenever you create a new Theme or Plugin you will always need to create custom data to test whether your plugin is working or not, and as Developers ourselves we had this problem quite alot. Our goal with this plugin is to fill this gap where you have problem with a good solution both for Develope.........

Similar: 14%


Usersnap is the #1 screenshot- and bug tracking tool for WordPress. Get browser screenshots and visual bug reports with additional browser information directly delivered to your dashboard. Annotate and send browser screenshots and bug reports to Usersnap or your existing bug tracking and project ma.........

Similar: 4%