Crayon Syntax Highlighter to Pastacode

The only use of this plugin is to convert Crayon Syntax Highlighter's tags into Pastacode shortcodes.

SyntaxHighlighter Evolved to Pastacode

The only use of this plugin is to convert all SyntaxHighlighter Evolved's shortcodes into Pastacode ones. This migration tool has been designed to convert a variety of shortcodes through a large number of articles and pages, using a ajax crawl so you can run it on large websites. A report is gener.........

Similar: 58%

Crayon Syntax Highlighter

A Syntax Highlighter built in PHP and jQuery that supports customizable languages and themes. It can highlight from a URL, or WordPress post text. Crayon makes it easy to manage Language files and define custom language elements with regular expressions. It also supports some neat features like: I.........

Similar: 38%

Easy Google Syntax Highlighter

This plugin is an implementation of the Syntax Highlighter 2.1.364 by Alex Gorbatchev with a front end to allow configuring all the global settings that are available, such having the plugin automatically include languages to highlight, thereby improving page loading performance....

Similar: 29%

Google Syntax Highlighter for WordPress

This plugin easily integrates the Google Syntax Highlighter by Alex Gorbatchev into WordPress....

Similar: 29%

WP Prism Syntax Highlighter

WP Prism Syntax Highlighter enables you to use Prism by Lea Verou in your WordPress blog. Prism is a lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind. It has an easy and convenient code editor integrated into the WordPress editor toolbar: you can insert code.........

Similar: 29%

Alex Syntax Highlighter

Alex Syntax Highlighter highlights code in the theme editor for easier understanding. See for help...

Similar: 29%

Pygments for WordPress

This WordPress plugin is a syntax highlighter for many different computer languages, including HTML, Python, PHP, Javascript, CSS, and many others. It uses the Pygments syntax highlighter from Python. See for full documentation....

Similar: 29%

WP-Syntax Editor Integration Plugin

This plugin will add a button to both the visual and HTML WordPress Editor panel allowing you to easily insert code for WP-Syntax. WP-Syntax is a syntax highlighting plugin for WordPress which can be downloaded from Usage Select the text you want to .........

Similar: 29%

SyntaxHighlighter Evolved: Swift Brush

This simple WordPress plugin adds support for the Swift Programming Language to the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin. Requires SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin to be installed first....

Similar: 25%

SyntaxHighlighter Evolved: H Brush

Adds support for the H language in SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin. As used in mobile app "Hacked". Plugin includes a Hackpad theme to make your code samples resemble what they would look like in the Hacked app Hackpad UI. Requires SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin to be installed first. You can.........

Similar: 23%