WP-Syntax Editor Integration Plugin

This plugin will add a button to both the visual and HTML WordPress Editor panel allowing you to easily insert code for WP-Syntax. WP-Syntax is a syntax highlighting plugin for WordPress which can be downloaded from http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-syntax/


  1. Select the text you want to have highlighted by WP-Syntax
  2. Click the button pre (WP-Syntax) in HTML editing mode or the icon with colored lines in visual editing mode
  3. Enter the language and starting line separated by a comma. The later is optional.

WP-Syntax Button

This plugin is designed to work with WP-Syntax (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-syntax/). It is in fact a copy/paste of CodeColorer TinyMCE Button adapted for wp-syntax, but it takes in consideration that wp-syntax allows you to specify the first line number. This plugin also corrects a disa.........

Similar: 72%

Simple Fast Highlighter

There are other good syntax highlighter plugins, but I wanted something simple and fast and be able to add the highlight classes with a select box in the TinyMCE editor. I added some default languages: Javascript, PHP, Python, C, C#, VB.NET, SQL and CSS but you can easily add other ones....

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Easy Google Syntax Highlighter

This plugin is an implementation of the Syntax Highlighter 2.1.364 by Alex Gorbatchev with a front end to allow configuring all the global settings that are available, such having the plugin automatically include languages to highlight, thereby improving page loading performance....

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RBCode is a syntax highlighter and formatter for the REALbasic programming language. Syntax colours can be fully customised. It will even optionally output line numbers and automatically capitalise keywords. It can also be easily styled with some simple CSS....

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WP Code Prettify

This plugin enable syntax highlighting of code snippets in your post using Google Code Prettify....

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Plum Code Box

Do you ever have a really hard getting your code formatted correctly in a post? Or do you ever have issues preserving tabs? Plum Code Box makes it easy to insert and manage code blocks using the Chili javascript syntax highlighter. The plugin adds option boxes to post and page editors. There are al.........

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Uses highlight.js. 26 themes included. 55 languages supported (54 from highlight.js + 1 for nginx commands). Auto-detects language. Super-optimised, only loads js for the language. Adds buttons to tinyMCE for ease of adding code blocks. Optimised code with minimal overheads. All code on Github. ...

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SyntaxHighlighter - Spacegray

A nice Color Scheme for "SyntaxHighlighter Evolved" based on "Spacegray", the lovely Theme for Sublime Text 2/3. Spacegray for Sublime Text 2/3 is here: https://github.com/kkga/spacegray...

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SmartAss Highlighter

SmartAss Highlighter is a simple and easy to use code prettifier for wordpress. The code between <pre> and </pre> tags is highlighted. Almost all languages are supported, no need to mention the code language. Customizable for each post, use [highlighter] shortcode to enable for particul.........

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WP Code Highlight

WP Code Highlight provides syntax highlighting of source code snippets and it is W3C valid. Wrap code blocks with <pre> and </pre> It provides a code button(HTML editor) to help you insert code in articles easily. You don't need to specify the language since WP Code Highlight will gues.........

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