Debug Bar Console

Adds a PHP/MySQL console to the debug bar. Requires the Debug Bar plugin (v0.5 or later).


WpDevTool implements many useful functions for WordPress Developers such as: Maintenance mode: Return a HTTP RESPONSE 503 (Service Temporary Unavailable) Under Maintenance landing page Debug bar: A simple bar which show number of query, timing and memory of current page Enable error display and lo.........

Similar: 38%

Debug Bar Query Count Alert

Replaces the default text in the Debug Bar button (which is "Debug Bar" by default in English) with the page's query count and total sql time. The button will be red if there were more than 200 queries or they took more than 1 second to run, and orange if the page required more than 100 queries or t.........

Similar: 34%

Background Update Tester

Most sites are able to apply updates in the background. Background Update Tester checks your site for compatibility and explains any problems. After activating this plugin, visit the Dashboard → Update Tester screen. (If you are using multisite, visit Updates → Update Tester in the network admin.) .........

Similar: 29%

Log Deprecated Calls

The Original "Log Deprecated" plugin for plugin and theme authors. Logs any calls to deprecated functions, files, or arguments, and identifies the function that made the call. This should be very useful for plugin and theme authors who want to keep their code up-to-date with current WordPress stan.........

Similar: 29%

Hook Flowchart

This plugin generates a flowchart for every parent hook that is running under your actual page. In Firefox, the flowcharts are JavaScript generated and downloadable in .png format. From the Setting Page you can choose which parent hook to exlude from the chart. Check the screenshots! PS: The down.........

Similar: 29%

TIVWP-DM Development Manager

NOTE: The current version of the TIVWP-DM plugin was released mostly for educational purposes. I appreciate your comments and ideas. Please see the TIVWP-DM Development Manager's GitHub repo for additional files showing how to setup Travis-CI/PHPUnit for automatic testing. TIVWP-DM Development Man.........

Similar: 29%

Customizer Dev Tools

The customizer is a single-page application that includes a lot of events, messages, and state changes which drive the application. Being aware of these things is essential for developing JavaScript for the customizer. To use, activate the plugin, open the customizer and the browser console and ent.........

Similar: 25%

Frontend Debugger

Only for development! Displays: Header Thumbnails The Loop (content) Footer Included template parts Highlight script, link and style elements To remove all registered scripts and styles add ?remove-scripts to the URL. All these scripts and styles will be listed at the bottom of the footer as HT.........

Similar: 25%

Simple System Status

"Simple System Status" does exactly what it says on the box - shows you, very simply, your systems status for your WordPress Setup. Simple System Status adds a submenu item under the 'tools' section of your WordPress installation....

Similar: 25%

Log Deprecated Notices

This plugin logs the usage of deprecated files, functions, and function arguments. It identifies where the deprecated functionality is being used and offers the alternative if available. This is a plugin for developers. WP_DEBUG is not needed, though its general usage is strongly recommended. Depre.........

Similar: 25%