Debug Bar Tracer

Many times when creating a custom theme or plugin there is need to view a piece of data you are working with which can be unweidly and not to mention ugly. This plugin adds a new tab to the Debug Bar plugin that allows you to "trace" the data to a window and displays not only the data, but where the call came from and optionally a description.

Plus, it's green like the Matrix.

WordPress Plugin Framework

The WordPress Plugin Framework (WPF) is a PHP class that is used to provide a framework for the development of WordPress plugins. This package also contains a demo plugin which is used to demonstrate the features and capabilities of the (WPF). The overall intention of the WPF is to generalize and si.........

Similar: 25%


A WordPress plugin that integrates CodeIgniter Why a CodeIgniter/Wordpress integration plugin? I (along with many others) like CodeIgniter for it's features such as ActiveRecord and MVC disciplines, plus I have a ton of cool libs and stuff in CodeIgniter that I would like to use in the WordPress .........

Similar: 23%

WP Code Igniter

Use this plugin to integrate the CodeIgniter framework into WordPress, making it available for both themes and other plugins. This plugin emulates a CI bootstrap, without any application environment (because WordPress does that), and includes a configuration file for setting database connection p.........

Similar: 23%

Plugin Downloads Display

A plugin that allows you to display the number of times a plugin has been downloaded. Can either be displayed in posts with a shortcode or in templates using a function. Shortcode: [show_downloads slug="slug-of-plugin"]. Function: <?php plugin_downloads("slug-of-plugin"); ?> Credit Harish C.........

Similar: 20%

Show Shortcode

Show Shortcode is a plugin that lets plugin developers display their shortcodes without executing them and without any special formatting or extra work. No HTML tricks or hacks, no raw editing in the HTML view! Just wrap your shortcode in the [showshortcode] tags and it will display your shortcode a.........

Similar: 20%

WP Zend Library

Use this plugin to integrate the Zend Framework library into WordPress, making it available for both themes and other plugins. It does not include the ZendX extra library. This plugin emulates the Zend Framework bootstrap file, without any application environment (because WordPress does that), an.........

Similar: 20%

Better Lorem Ipsum Generator

When you create WordPress plugins and themes it is often a good thing to test them on blogs with much data. Since 3.0 I use custom post types and custom taxonomies a lot and couldn’t find a plugin that autogenerates them. Hence I wrote a new plugin. Features: Automatically create posts, pages, an.........

Similar: 16%

WP Example Content

Easily add and remove example post content to assist you in designing and developing new and current themes. Enjoy! After activating the plugin, simply access the plugin in the admin panel navigation (usually the last item). Choose to "Add Bundle of Sample Posts", or "Remove All Sample Posts" adde.........

Similar: 12%

Category Template Hierarchy

Adds several new templates to the template hierarchy: child-of-category-{slug}.php category-{slug}.php child-of-category-{id}.php category-{term_id}.php parent-category.php child-category.php category.php archive.php index.php This greatly extends the native hierarchy of theme templates with reg.........

Similar: 9%

Ajax For All

The best way to see what this plugin does is to look at the live demo. The theme on that site wasn't tweaked at all to make the Ajax functionality work (except some irrelevant CSS changes). It works out of the box on most WordPress themes that follow the theme coding recommendations. This plugin de.........

Similar: 7%