Dev Monitor

By : onodev

Dev Monitor optionally adds SQL Query, Memory Usage, Execution Time, Javascript, CSS, WordPress Conditionals, and included theme and plugin PHP file information to the admin bar for users with the appropriate permissions. Use this plugin to aid your development by making it easy to see which files are included and where.

JK Development Console

This is the easiest way to add custom css and/or javascript to your site. Two large windows with css and javascript syntax highlighting makes it super easy to read and write code. JK Development console also uses AJAX to save the css and javascript data - meaning that the page won't reload and you c.........

Similar: 43%

Plain Text Custom Post Type

Create plain text files through WordPress using a custom post type. This came about because I needed a way to edit a JavaScript file on a blog that's part of a multi site network setup, and I didn't want to do a child theme for just that one blog and keep up with updating the JS through FTP. This.........

Similar: 34%

Add to Head

Adds any content (CSS, Javascript, meta, etc...) to the head section of every page of your WordPress site. You control the content by editing a text file, "headContent.php", located at the root level of this plugin's directory. The easiest way to edit the contents of that file is to go to the Editor.........

Similar: 34%

Custom CSS/JS

Tired of having to edit page templates or override theme options just to change one little thing? Tired of having to "!important" your styles? Well, we can't guarantee you won't have to do that anymore :) BUT, we can offer you a way to hopefully have to do LESS of it. Simply install our Custom CS.........

Similar: 34%

Xazure Code Demo

This is a programming and web development blog. That means lots of example pages. I often write away from my home computer, so I wanted a way that I can create those examples through my browser, without having to find a text editor and FTP client. Thus the idea for this plugin is born. Basically, i.........

Similar: 34%

Custom WP CSS & JS

Override your style.css or theme style and insert your custom javascript/jquery using "Custom WP CSS & JS" plugin. Use this plugin if you don't want to create any extra css or js files in your theme. Main Features: Easy to use You can place your JS code in Header / Footer - Option availble Bu.........

Similar: 23%

Power Code Editor

Helps you more effectively edit your themes or plugins when you only have access to a browser, by enabling syntax highlighting in WordPress' integrated source code editors. Supports PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Please provide any feedback at Everything is don.........

Similar: 11%

Protocol Relative Theme Assets

This plugin transforms any registered, enqueued CSS or JavaScript URLs into their "protocol-relative" equivalent. Consider the following examples: Protocol Relative CSS URL <link href="//

Similar: 10%

Creative Contact Form

Creative Contact Form - You will be surprised by count of all the possible features! It is packed with a Template Creator wizard to create fanstastic contact forms in a matter of seconds without coding. Popular form types: Contact Form, Feedback Form, Application Forms, Surveys, Reservation Form, C.........

Similar: 3%

Social Share 2.0 - Social Bookmarks

This plugin adds a small widget within each blog post to share blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Digg, Surfpeople, and well over 100 more social bookmarking and sharing sites ....

Similar: 2%