Xazure Code Demo

This is a programming and web development blog. That means lots of example pages. I often write away from my home computer, so I wanted a way that I can create those examples through my browser, without having to find a text editor and FTP client. Thus the idea for this plugin is born.

Basically, it adds a new custom post type, Code Demo, to your blog. There you can go and specify the code for the head and body, as well as specify a DOCTYPE. Then you can have a nice pretty link to it, like so: http://xazure.net/demo/three-column-layout-with-dividers/

It allows you to then view the source code of the page from within the page. Nice.

Features * Easily create code examples directly from the WordPress back-end. * Use pretty permalinks to your demos. * View the source of your demos directly within the page. * Allows you to create your own template to show your demos. * Adds a link to your site on the demo, so people that stumble on it can find their way back.

You can find full information here: http://xazure.net/2011/06/projects/wordpress-plugins/xazure-code-demo-plugin/

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