Development Debug Backtraces

Display debug backtraces for every error generated by PHP, in addition to the standard error outputs configured for your PHP installation.

This includes E_ALL so might contain many more errors than you might expect.

This is useful for finding and debugging issues during development, but could easily break your markup, and is not for users who are not editing code directly. Requires jQuery to be included with your theme.

Hikari Krumo

Krumo is a debugging tool equivalent to print_r() and var_dump(), with the advantage of collapsing array and object values so that it takes less space and let us see only what we really need from complex data. Hikari Krumo ports it to a WordPress plugin, so that Krumo becomes easily available in an.........

Similar: 23%


Debug trace for WordPress, including ad hoc action hook and filter tracing. The primary purpose of debug trace is to help in the development of PHP code: plugins or themes. The primary purpose of action trace is to help you understand the sequence of events in the server. This plugin provides the .........

Similar: 23%

Kint PHP Debugger

This WordPress plugin is a wrapper for the Kint PHP Debugger utility. Now instead of using var_dump() or print_r(), you simply use d() with zero, nadda, no formatting required. Use this tool when you are debugging your website, in place of var_dump(), print_r() and debug_backtrace()....

Similar: 19%

Kint Debugger

Kint Debugger is a simple WordPress wrapper for Kint, a debugging tool to output information about variables and traces. Debugging is presented in a styled, collapsible format that is easy on the eyes. Kint Debugger plays nice with the Debug Bar plugin by creating its own panel to display your debug.........

Similar: 16%

Debug Bar - Sidebars & Widgets

The Sidebars & Widgets extension for the Debug Bar shows you all you need to know about the sidebars and widgets on the current page. It shows the sidebars displayed and the widgets displayed in them, and tells you whether all widgets in the sidebar were actually displayed. This plugin allows y.........

Similar: 12%

YARPP Experiments

Some extras for tuning and diagnosing YARPP. Requires YARPP 4.0.6 or later for full compatibility. Currently includes the following experiments: Cache Status: computes some statistics which give an overall picture of YARPP's results and cache usage. Some controls to flush and build up the cache. .........

Similar: 10%

Automatic Facebook Cache Cleaner

Have you ever posted a link to Facebook only to realize afterwards that it's got a typo, and when you correct it, Facebook still shares the wrong stuff? This happens because the first post is cached, and most people have no clue how to solve it. The manual solution it is not even evident... it is do.........

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WP Viewer Log

Add widget into Dashboard for view the day errors, view full log in page this plugin, configure the wp-config.php (optional) and add link to view errors in admin bar (optional) Añade un widget en el escritorio para ver los errores del dia, ver el log completo en la página del plugin, configurar el .........

Similar: 10%

Debug Info

Debug Info will provide you with information on your current WordPress operating environment. This is a helpful tool for you or a developer to use when trying to identify the root cause of an error, or other issue you may experience. Debug Info provides the following information: WordPress versio.........

Similar: 10%

BugFu Console Debugger

BugFu lets you log from PHP directly to your Browser JavaScript Console - Meant as an aid to those practicing the ancient art of debugging - HOW TO CHECK IF BUGFU IS WORKING Open your browser console, if you see this header, BugFu is working properly ################################ #### BugFu Co.........

Similar: 8%