Author: Storm Consultancy Related WordPress Plugins

oAuth Twitter Feed for Developers

A Twitter API 1.1 compliant wordpress plugin that provides an array of a users timeline from Twitter for use by theme developers. The new Twitter API requires you be oAuth'd before you can request a list of tweets, this means that all of the existing Twitter plugins that simply make an AJAX request.........

WP TinyMCE Tables

Adds the table controls to the TinyMCE editor in WordPress...

Force Lowercase URLs

Perform a 301 redirect from an uppercase URL to the lowercase version for all non-admin, non-file URLs...

Development Debug Backtraces

Display debug backtraces for every error generated by PHP, in addition to the standard error outputs configured for your PHP installation. This includes E_ALL so might contain many more errors than you might expect. This is useful for finding and debugging issues during development, but could easi.........

WP Tidy TinyMCE

Simple options to tidy up the uncommonly used buttons and controls from WordPress TinyMCE editor Currently the plugin supports the following: Block Formats h1 / Heading 1 h2 / Heading 2 h3 / Heading 3 h4 / Heading 4 h5 / Heading 5 h6 / Heading 6 p / Paragraph address / Address pre / Preformatted.........

WP Tidy Admin Bar

Simple options to tidy up the uncessary clutter in the WordPress Admin Bar...

WP Tidy Dashboard Widgets

Lets you selectively tidy up the WordPress dashboard widgets for all users. You can optionally hide the following widgets: Incoming Links Other WordPress News Plugins Quick Press Recent Comments Recent Drafts Right Now WordPress Blog ...